Page 3 - Annual Report 2016
P. 3

Dear Friends
Success. It de nes 2016 for CalTrout. We met signi cant milestones this year—restoring Sierra meadows, revitalizing Hat Creek, and scaling up our successful proof of concept to grow  sh in rice  elds in the Central Valley.
And in 2016, it was settled that the Klamath dams are coming out in 2020. Our effort has moved from advocating for their removal
to implementing the largest dam removal and restoration project in US history. I often think about the diverse groups involved with this effort, the Native American tribes, the commercial  shermen, the agencies, the conservation groups, all dedicated people who believed we could make this happen.
Personally, it’s a milestone: My  rst Klamath dams meeting was in January 2001—I remember the snowy drive to Klamath Falls, my eldest daughter was not yet a month old. Today she is a sophomore in high school, a reminder of the long-term commitment needed, by so many, to accomplish big things.
With success comes growth, and expanding opportunities to scale up our efforts and increase our impact. We have re ned and institutionalized our unique approach: employing the best science, providing thought leadership to diverse interests, and ultimately
marshaling dollars and political will to solve complex resources issues that balance the needs of wild  sh and people.
Looking ahead to 2017, we will focus on the Eel River where we have a once in a lifetime opportunity to achieve wild  sh abundance. Our Headwaters to the Sea approach is in high gear—including our focus on the Potter Valley Project relicensing starting in April 2017. In addition, we are on our way to 30,000 acres of Sierra meadows restored by 2030 and we are fully engaged in removing Matilija dam in Southern California. These projects will take years; my daughter will be in college when the Klamath dams crumble. With your support, CalTrout will be there, creating lasting impact bene tting  sh and people.
Curtis Knight, CalTrout Executive Director
2016 has been a great year for CalTrout— because of you! You are a key partner in CalTrout’s work. Without your support, we could not pursue the multitude of projects that bene t  sh in California. Your contributions directly fuel the formation of coalitions that align diverse sets of stakeholders, the science based research, the grant applications,
and enable CalTrout to prove concepts to in uence and to promote legislation.
Your donations are the seed funds that we use to leverage much larger sums, sometimes 10-fold through government and foundation grants, to fully fund large scale restoration projects. It starts with you—this work can only be done because of your generosity. Together we are making a difference.
Thank you.
Drew Bassak, CalTrout Board Chair

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