
The Current Magazine


Spot Check: McCloud River Redband Trout

Musings on the McCloud redband and efforts to protect the iconic species.


2O22 Photo Contest Winners

Sharing winning photos that beautifully capture California's fish, water, & people.


Trout in the Classroom

Trout in the Classroom’s environmental education program fosters a new generation of advocates for saving salmonids and the watersheds in which they live.

Project Update

Restoring Baduwa't Estuary

The Baduwa’t is a life source for the communities it flows through and has been since time immemorial.

Project Update

Let Them Run

On Big Chico Creek, salmon are part of the Mechoopda people's DNA. A new restoration project in Chico will help bring the salmon back.

Featured Article

Watershed Moments

Watersheds sustain life, in more ways than one. Now more than ever, we must protect our precious lands and water. CalTrout presents "Watershed Moments" to educate, enlighten, and connect you to key California watersheds.


Fish Water People Podcast

At CalTrout, we work hard every day to restore California’s freshwater ecosystems and to keep them healthy for years to come, but we don’t do it alone. Fish Water People highlights the individuals who make our work possible, at CalTrout and beyond.


We are California Trout

Who are we? We are scientists. We are policy makers. We are restoration practitioners. We are innovators. We are community partners. We are educators. We are neighbors. We are Californians. Our commitment to all Californians will endure - today, tomorrow, and forever.


Craig's Corner: Trout of the High Sierra

Craig Ballenger journeys through the High Sierra in search of trout and an answer to the question: is a rare trout important?


Growing Voice in Sacramento

California Trout has deep roots in using advocacy to create and advance change. We partner with legislators and like-minded organizations to collaborate on fresh water solutions across the state.


Fish, Water, People... and Bugs!

Invertebrate populations (bugs) have major implications for watershed and fish population health. At Walker Creek, Dr. Rob Lusardi studies them - and passes on his knowledge to a next generation of naturalists.

Project Update

The Pikeminnow Problem

In the Eel River, invasive pikeminnow threaten native salmon and steelhead. CalTrout's North Coast Science and Monitoring Program works towards solutions for salmonid recovery.

Featured Article

A Long Time Coming

Free rivers can heal communities. There is perhaps no better case study for this than on the Klamath River, the stage for the world’s largest dam removal project.


Craig’s Corner: There and Back Again

A short history of the McCloud River.


2023 Photo Contest Winners

CalTrout is proud to announce the winners of our 2023 contest.


Together Under Redwoods

In August, CalTrout staff traveled from all corners of the state to the North Coast for an annual retreat to reflect, learn, and connect.


Spot Check: Mid-Summer on the Klamath River

A look into Klamath River mid-summer conditions and dam removal work in the mid-Klamath Basin.

Project Update

Floodplain Forward

As climate change exacerbates drought, it can often feel like there is not enough water to meet the needs of both humans and wildlife. In the Sacramento Valley, CalTrout works with a coalition of partners to benefit both farmers and fish by reactivating floodplains.

Current Events

A Creek Runs Orange

Fish, wildlife, and people are dependent on hydroelectric infrastructure for habitat, drinking water, and electricity. But at times, as witnessed at Butte Creek in August 2023, infrastructure fails. What would happen if we let our watersheds return to their natural state?

Featured Article

The Last Piece of the Puzzle

Alameda Creek flows through a corridor of Bay Area infrastructure that has long threatened the watershed’s ecological health. After decades of collaboration and persistence, the last unnatural barrier to fish passage in mainstem Alameda Creek will soon be removed.

Featured Article

Fish in the Forest

Forest health and fish health are intimately connected. On June Mountain, we are working towards better health for both.

Project Update

Restoration Community at Prairie Creek

Across the state, floodplains have disconnected from their rivers and streams, depriving fish of critical places to rear their young. At Prairie Creek, CalTrout works with Save the Redwoods League, agencies, and the Yurok Tribe to reconnect the floodplain.