Leave a Legacy

“My Mom had a strong relationship with the land and always said we should give back more than we take”. So begins her daughter telling the story about her mother, Kit Crosby-Williams. Kit passed away recently after a long life committed to community and nature.  She raised her three children as a devoted and sometimes fierce, lioness-mother according to her daughter. Kit realized her homesteading dream while living on her ranch in Hyampom, California, learning and practicing land stewardship, animal husbandry, and self-sufficient living with, and from, the land. She was an activist, steadfast and purposeful, living with conscious minimal impact.

One of her last wishes was to make a gift from her estate to a local non-profit to make a positive impact on the land. Since Kit spent so much of her life on the north coast  where CalTrout has a regional presence, working on the Eel from headwaters to estuary, it was a great choice to ensure her legacy – giving back to the land – would be fulfilled.

You too can leave a legacy and help to protect fish and fish habitat for future generations by including CalTrout in your estate plan.  For more information call Tracey at (415) 392-8887 x103.

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