
CalTrout-LogoCalifornia Trout: To protect and restore wild trout, steelhead, salmon and their waters throughout California.
Kurt Zimmerman and Candice Meneghin

FSCR-LOGOFriends of the Santa Clara River: Friends of the Santa Clara River was formed in June 1993 as a 501c3 non-profit and has spent 20 years promoting  all aspects of river health, including public outreach, water quality monitoring, wetlands restoration, opposition to floodplain development, and improving fish passage.
Ron Bottorff

TNCLogoPrimary_RGBThe Nature Conservancy: The mission of The Nature Conservancy is to conserve the lands and waters on which all life depends. One of the priorities of our Los Angeles-Ventura Project is to conserve and restore the Santa Clara River and the plants and animals that depend upon it.
E.J. Remsen and Lily Verdone

Wishtoyo-LogoFounded in 1997, Wishtoyo is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that preserves Chumash Native American culture, and the natural resources all people depend upon. Wishtoyo is a bridge, preserving the wisdom of the ancient Chumash culture and linking it the present day environmental issues.
Jason Weiner

VCK-Small.medVentura Coastkeeper, a program of Wishtoyo founded in 2000, protects, preserves, and restores the ecological integrity and water quality of Ventura County’s inland waterbodies, coastal waters, and watersheds.
Jason Weiner

StoekerEcologicalStoecker Ecological: Stoecker Ecological is an environmental consulting firm. Matt Stoecker was the co-author of : Stoecker, M. and E. Kelley. 2005. Santa Clara River Steelhead Trout: Assessment and Recovery Opportunities. Prepared for The Nature Conservancy and The Santa Clara River Trustee Council.

UCSB_MSI-logoUC Santa Barbara Riparian Invasion Research Laboratory
To facilitate interactive and synergistic links promoting scientific research, resource management, conservation, and education in the Santa Clara River watershed.
Prof. Tom Dudley

keep-sespe-wild-logoKeep the Sespe Wild: To preserve Sespe Creek, one of Southern California’s last free-flowing rivers.
Alasdair Coyne

SCRWC-LogoSanta Clara River Watershed Conservancy: Our mission is to embrace, preserve and enhance the Santa Clara River watershed’s unique natural surroundings through education, advocacy and land protection.
Christine Kudija


Other stakeholders

CDFW-Insignia-146x193California Department of Fish and Wildlife: The Mission of the Department of Fish and Wildlife is to manage California’s diverse fish, wildlife, and plant resources, and the habitats upon which they depend, for their ecological values and for their use and enjoyment by the public.
Mary Larson

coastal-conservancy-logoThe California Coastal Conservancy: The CC acts with others to preserve, protect and restore the resources of the California Coast.
Peter Brand

Stillwater-LOGOStillwater Sciences: Stillwater Sciences is an environmental consulting firm passionate about watershed science. We approach watershed analysis and restoration with rigorous science, innovation, and a collaborative decision-making process.
Bruce Orr and Ethan Bell