Bay Area
Protect the Best
Work with partners to fill key data gaps in monitoring Alameda Creek tributaries to inform future management and restoration to assist recovery of steelhead and Chinook salmon in the watershed.
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The Aquatic Species Assessment Tool (ASAT) will provide an integrated quantitative framework for assessing the impact of management actions on salmonids and other sensitive listed fish species that...
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Increase outreach overall to youth, members, fly clubs, and others about our efforts in the Bay Area and statewide.
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As part of an expansion to research on Pescadero Creek, a PIT antenna on Butano Creek will track steelhead and coho salmon on their annual spawning runs and will provide us with important information...
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Ensure long-term passage for juvenile and adult steelhead in San Francisquito Creek beyond Searsville Dam on San Francisquito Creek by working with Stanford University, resource agency, non-profit,...
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Ensure adequate streamflows are returned to key South Bay streams and necessary habitat improvements are completed as expeditiously as possible through a long-standing settlement agreement and...
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Restore consistent access for salmonids to upper Alameda Creek and open more than 20 miles of stream to Chinook salmon, steelhead, and other native fishes such as lamprey.
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Assess streamflows, water temperatures, habitat usage, and migration of adult and juvenile tagged coho salmon in Walker Creek to identify factors potentially limiting their recovery. We will use this...
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Work with partners to inspire the next generation of environmental stewards through stream study focused on watershed health and endangered coho salmon recovery at Walker Creek Ranch in Marin County.
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