Restore Estuaries
The Aquatic Species Assessment Tool (ASAT) will provide an integrated quantitative framework for assessing the impact of management actions on salmonids and other sensitive listed fish species that...
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Restore passive fish passage at this location and stabilize sediment transport through this reach.
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Remove the only total fish passage barrier between a robust rainbow trout population in Pauma Creek and the Pacific ocean.
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Enable steelhead passage through this total barrier at the Interstate 5 bridge array on Trabuco Creek and provide access to 15 miles of upstream high quality spawning and rearing habitat. Trabuco...
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Remove the defunct Rindge Dam location in Malibu Creek canyon. ...
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Support the Matilija Coalition, Ventura County Watershed Protection District and U.S. Army Corps of Engineers in securing funding to finalize a dam removal design and associated re-evaluation of...
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To prepare a list of ground-truthed refugia habitat locations for trout relocated after wildfire and during large So Cal fish passage projects.
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The management of non-native aquatic species addressees a major threat to the survival of native trout. Management is arduous and expensive, but worth the long-term investment to clear prime habitat...
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To develop an alternative analysis for the restoration of Southern California steelhead in the Rose Valley Lakes System and Sespe Creek Watershed.
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The goal of this project is to remove non-native species that are detrimental to native trout survival in San Mateo Creek, in federally designated critical habitat for endangered Southern California...
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Restoration of floodplain processes by focusing on the removal of non-native, invasive plants and revegetation with native species to reestablish critical habitat for sensitive species and riparian...
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This project will improve steelhead habitat in the Santa Margarita River through non-native aquatic species removal, invasive vegetation removal and sediment reduction.
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Remove a high priority fish passage barrier, improve trail user experience and safety, protect the public from flood impacts, and increase the quality of riparian and river habitat for multiple...
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The Coalition’s goal is to increase the pace, scale, and scope of watershed restoration projects leading to resilient Southern steelhead populations in
Integrate Wild Fish & Working Landscapes
CalTrout leads two Southern California steelhead coalitions with the goal to increase the pace, scale, and scope of watershed restoration projects leading to resilient Southern steelhead populations...
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The goal of this project is to protect one of the last and most southern native rainbow trout populations of steelhead lineage in Pacific coast of United States.
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