Mt. Shasta / Klamath Region


Mount-Shasta / Klamath


Bay Area Central California North Coast Mt. Shasta/Klamath Sierra Headwaters South Coast Mt. Lassen

Interactive Project Map

Regional Goal

To protect and restore the spring-fed cold water river systems of the Shasta-Klamath Region that, in the face of drought and climate change, sustain native salmonids, support the local economy, supply water to central and southern California, and provide critical habitat for trout, steelhead and salmon. Select a dot on the map to learn about each of our initiatives and their projects in this regions.

Region Director: Damon Goodman

Damon was introduced to the importance of conservation at a young age in the front of his dad’s canoe during wilderness river expeditions. This spark led to a passion for exploring wild rivers around the world and a career dedicated to conserving the species that rely on them. His work has focused on bring people and science together to solve complex fish conservation issues across California for the past 15 years. These efforts have resulted in the implementation of projects that benefit fishes and the publication of 25 peer-reviewed journal articles covering a diverse range of fisheries management issues. In 2020, his work was recognized by the California-Nevada American Fisheries Society with the Distinguished Professional Achievement Award. He holds a Master of Science degree in Fish Biology from Humboldt State University where he studied under Dr. Stewart B. Reid and Andrew P. Kinziger.

Projects in the Mt. Shasta / Klamath Region


Reconnect Habitat

East Fork Scott River Restoration

Reconnect historic floodplains and enhance aquatic habitat on 6.7 miles of the East Fork Scott River and its tributaries; Restore fish passage to 1.4 miles of cold-water tributary Big Mill Creek;...

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Integrate Wild Fish & Working Landscapes

Evans Spring Flow Restoration to Little Shasta River

Restore Evan's Spring flow to the Little Shasta River and improve summer conditions for juvenile rearing among native fish. Ultimately, reconnect the Little Shasta River to the Shasta River at...

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Protect the Best

Fall River Wild Trout Program

Protect CA’s largest spring-fed river, over 30 miles of wild and native trout habitat, and one million acre-feet per year of cold, clean volcanic source water that provides habitat for native fish...

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Protect the Best

Hat Creek Restoration

Use large woody debris to restore 1.5 miles of instream habitat for the benefit of wild trout while helping protect cultural resources on over 5,000 acres of ancestral lands of the Illmawi Band of the...

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Integrate Wild Fish & Working Landscapes

Klamath Basin Water Project

Enhance flows and improve critical instream habitat for coho and Chinook salmon throughout the watershed.

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Reconnect Habitat

Klamath Dams Removal

Recover Klamath River salmonid populations by removing 4 dams on the Klamath River (Iron Gate, Copco 1, Copco 2, and JC Boyle) and opening up fish passage to over 400 miles of potential spawning and...

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Integrate Wild Fish & Working Landscapes

Little Shasta River Flow Enhancement Project

Improve irrigation infrastructure on the 4,500-acre Hart Ranch and enable this key landowner to dedicate meaningful water savings back into the Little Shasta River for the benefit of salmon and other...

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Protect the Best

McCloud River Protection

Protect three miles of pristine salmon habitat on the Upper Sacramento and McCloud rivers (blue ribbon wild trout fisheries) from inundation.

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Reconnect Habitat

Mill-Shackleford Bridge Fish Passage Restoration

This project addresses Watershed Restoration Grant Program Funding Priority 3: Protect and Restore Anadromous Fish Habitat. Specifically, the project will result in 1) the removal of a human‐caused...

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Integrate Wild Fish & Working Landscapes

Parks Creek Cardoza Ranch Fish Passage and Flow Enhancement

Enhance flows and restore critical spawning and rearing habitat for salmon and steelhead throughout the watershed.

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Reconnect Habitat

Scott Bar Fish Passage

Restore access for threatened coho salmon, steelhead, and other aquatic species to approximately three miles of year-round, cold water spawning and rearing habitat on Scott-Bar Mill Creek in the...

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Reconnect Habitat

Scott River South Fork – Floodplain and Instream Restoration

To restore the prime nursery habitat for juvenile salmon on the South Fork Scott River.

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Integrate Wild Fish & Working Landscapes

Scott Valley Sustainable Groundwater Management

Participate in the Scott Valley SGMA process and advocate for a Groundwater Sustainability Plan (GSP) that protects interconnected surface waters for the benefit of fish and wildlife

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Integrate Wild Fish & Working Landscapes

Shasta River and Parks Creek Restoration

Recover salmonid populations in the Shasta River, a key mid-Klamath River tributary and nursery, by restoring spawning and rearing habitat, in-stream flows, water quality, and other ecological...

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Reconnect Habitat

Tracking the Repopulation of Fishes after Dam Removal on the Klamath River

Monitor fish migration following dam removal and assess the efficacy of this monumental restoration effort to build our understanding of Learn More

Steward Source Water Areas

Upper Sacramento Basin Source Waters Science Study

Provide a scientifically based toolset to better understand, manage, and advance the protection of the cold, clean spring waters in the Upper Sacramento Basin.

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