Our work to protect public lands:
As California Trout grows, campaigns to protect and expand public lands overlap more than ever with our work to revitalize wild fish and protect water resources for fish and people. There are a number of community-supported national monument campaigns in California, and CalTrout is working closely with local partners across the state to support two of them that are particularly important for our mission: Sáttítla /Medicine Lake Highlands National Monument in Northern California and the expansion of San Gabriel Mountains National Monument in Southern California.
What are National Monuments?
National Monuments are a type of public lands designation meant to protect a range of natural and historic resources from harmful industry, in perpetuity. They are managed throughout the nation by a variety of agencies and are known for having a high-level of recreational access for community.
Why National Monuments?
National monuments can be created by presidential proclamation or through congressional legislation. If resources need to be critically and quickly protected, communities can advocate for presidential proclamation to designate a National Monument without the longer process that an act of congress may require. This may make National Monument designations of particular note for our tribal partners and Tribal communities and nations across the state as they seek to protect important cultural and ecological resources.
Join CalTrout in working to protect the following national monuments:

Sáttítla /Medicine Lake Highlands National Monument
California Trout stands with the Pit River Tribe in recognizing protections for Medicine Lake Highlands, also known as Sáttítla, not only due to their sacred value as a highly significant cultural landscape, but also in our shared priority with the Pit River Tribe to protect this ecologically critical landscape. We cannot overstate the importance of volcanically formed aquifers such as the ones below the surface of Medicine Lake Highlands. These porous volcanic aquifers capture snowmelt like a sponge, and store as much water as California’s 200 largest surface reservoirs. The current drought patterns in the western US threaten the security of California’s water supply as well as the persistence of fisheries resources. Protecting these critical water resources from any degradation under national monument protections would also help meet California and the Federal Government’s pledge to protect 30% of our land and water resources by 2030.