
2023 Photo Contest Winners

CalTrout is proud to announce the winners of our 2023 contest.

CalTrout is pleased to share the top images selected by our judges and by you for the 2023 Photo Contest! Check out these stunning images below.


Grand Prize Winner

Mike Lee, "Reflective Dawn"

People's Choice Award Winner

Colton Dixon, "Half-Dome Reflection"

"It was November 2019, an unusually warm and empty week in Yosemite National Park. I brought my friend to visit this National Park for the first time and I wanted to show him some sunrise views in the valley. While in the valley we walked across a bridge over the Merced River and Half Dome greeted us and reflected in the calm waters of the Merced River so I had to capture the picturesque moment."

Best Photo

Brian Miller, "Meandering in the Meadow"

"Meandering in the Meadow" reflects the meandering Red Lake Creek in this beautiful Hope Valley meadow. It was taken while my son Britton & I were also meandering in search of a small stream to take our Project Healing Waters disabled veterans. We found it!"

Best Photo

Dave Lee, "High Country Nugget"

"I took this photo because it showed how different the water levels were between this year and the last. The grass under the creek was that thick probably because that section was dry in 2022."

Best Photo

Jordan Kuettle, "School's Out for Summer"

Best Photo

Julia Mitchell, "McCloud Reservoir"

"I was fishing with my best friend Temma in the McCloud area and we had never fished the reservoir. The owners of the McCloud B&B let us borrow a couple rods with sinking lines and “super secret” flies. We didn’t have a boat so we walked along the shore and I saw the tree stump with its roots exposed which thought it was very cool. I took the photo and mostly forgot about it until I was going back through the trip photos. I just love how it captures the beauty and the tranquility of the area."

Best Photo

Eric Wiseman, "The Purest of Waters"

"I took a bunch of drone photos the day I took this one. I was trying to capture how incredibly clear the water was. This particular photo ended up being my favorite."

Best Photo

Jody Martin, "Morning on the San Joaquin"

"My son Paul and I have been fortunate to have fished together in many places, but perhaps none more special than the Middle Fork of the San Joaquin River near Devils Postpile National Monument in the Eastern Sierras. On this particular morning several years ago we were fly fishing just downstream from Rainbow Falls when the sun turned the canyon into a temple and I was at the right place to record it."

Best Photo

Phil Reedy, "Upper Sac Autumn"

Best Photo

Seth Blackamore, "Fall at Lake Sabrina"

"Fall at Lake Sabrina is very special to me for many reasons, but the main reason is I work here. I get to run the boat landing and cafe for Lake Sabrina, located up Bishop Creek Canyon. The saying "love where you work and you’ll never work a day," although there’s a lot of hard work that goes into running these businesses up here, it truly is such a blessing to be able to work at a stadium like this. I really enjoy sharing Lake Sabrina with all our visitors and to show off this place with the Fall colors is a magical moment and in my favorite time of the year."

Best Photo

Owen Turner, "Magic Hour"

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