Upper Truckee River Wild and Scenic

Saving an Endangered Species


The Lahontan cutthroat trout (LCT) species suffers a high likelihood of extinction in California. The only wild stream population of LCT found within the Tahoe Basin resides in the Upper Truckee River. Population expansion through restoration would create the largest meta-population within the Sierra.

Conservation Goals

  • Protect headwater population of LCT in large part by securing Wild and Scenic designation of the headwaters.
  • Improve degraded habitat and remove non-native competitors in lower river sections thus expanding upstream populations.

Recent Accomplishments

  • Supported Wild & Scenic designation for the Upper Truckee being included as a proposed action in the Lake Tahoe Basin Management Unit Plan.

What We Will Accomplish in 2014-15

  • Advocate to secure the support of both the El Dorado and Alpine County Boards of Supervisors.
  • Rally the support of state, and ultimately, federal legislators.

Key Partners: Trout Unlimited, US Forest Service

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