Golden Trout Protection

Saving California’s State Fish

Golden trout by Val Atkinson

Golden trout by Val Atkinson

In 2004, a Golden Trout Conservation Strategy was developed by relevant agencies (with the help of CalTrout) to support the recovery of California’s golden trout, an imperiled native species and California’s state fish. Resources are needed to implement the Conservation Strategy. CalTrout remains a key partner in this implementation – meeting with agency representatives and supporting on-the-ground restoration efforts. This past year, CalTrout’s work focused primarily on assessing and improving meadow habitats supporting golden trout populations (see Meadow Habitat project for more details).

Conservation Goals

  • Continue implementation of the CA Golden Trout Conservation Strategy.
  • Ensure sustainable land-use practices (including grazing) where appropriate on the Kern Plateau.
  • Support completion and implementation of genetics management plan for CA golden, Little Kern golden and Kern River rainbow trout which is necessary for the long-term management of these species.
  • Increase public awareness about the importance of wild trout conservation programs relevant to the Kern Plateau.

Recent Accomplishments

  • Engaged with state and federal agency representatives involved with restoring populations of golden trout on the Kern Plateau.
  • Engaged with Inyo National Forest Service to better understand current and historical impacts of grazing as they prepare a National Environmental Policy. Act (NEPA) to assess the status of Golden trout to determine whether and/or under what conditions grazing should be reintroduced in this area.
  • Provided input to the Inyo National Forest Management Plan specifically related to golden trout and meadow habitat protection. See US Forest Management Planning project.

What We Will Accomplish in 2014-15

  • Implement the Golden Trout Conservation Strategy and habitat restoration work.
  • Provide field support and interns in partnership with CA DFW’s Heritage and Wild Trout Program to conduct a golden trout population inventory.
  • Provide input and recommendations to the NEPA-grazing assessment to ensure adequate protection of golden trout within the Golden Trout Wilderness.

Key Partners: California Department of Fish & Game, US Forest Service, Trout Unlimited, fly fishing clubs, University of Nevada Reno, UC Davis

For an in depth assessment of the Golden Trout, see Andrew Skaggs’ Golden Trout Literature Review here. Golden_Trout_Literature_Review_Exec_Summary

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