Eel River Restoration Plan

Eel River Restoration Plan

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Project Goal:

Efficiently restore native anadromous fish populations and ecological processes across the Eel River watershed.

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Project Description

CalTrout seeks to outline an Eel River, basin-wide fisheries Restoration Plan. The Eel River Watershed Restoration and Conservation Program aims to take a holistic approach on restoring and conserving the Eel River watershed with a particular focus on the river corridor. To achieve this, the Program has selected a series of focal species (Chinook and coho salmon, steelhead, Pacific lamprey, and green sturgeon) as the cornerstone for restoration and conservation planning. However the Program does not ignore the interconnectedness of the ecosystem and the direct relationships the riparian corridor and upslope processes can have on the river corridor habitat. In addition to restoration and conservation directed towards the aquatic habitat and the species that reside in those habitats, the Program also recognizes the continuous and ongoing threat of climate change to the Eel River watershed and understands that it is necessary to implement climate mitigation strategies and strategic climate planning to support a resilient watershed. Finally, the Program is invested in the community members across the watershed. The Program strives to identify and protect the ecosystems services that support community members such as recreational access, access to clean water, and a robust and harvestable fishery.    The Program is intended to serve as an administrative body that will guide and oversee restoration and conservation in the Eel River Watershed for the foreseeable future. Phase 1 of the program aims to develop a framework for what the Program will become and what key components will guide a successful Program.

The need for a holistic, watershed-wide restoration program to support the recovery of native anadromous fish populations in the Eel River is well documented in the Eel River Action Plan, CDFW South Fork Eel River Watershed Assessment, Round Valley Indian Tribe’s Eel River Restoration Strategy, and NMFS Coho and Multispecies Recovery Plans. The Restoration Plan will be the most comprehensive assessment and planning document for the Eel River developed to-date. We will rely on agency, academic, non-profit, tribal, and other watershed experts to develop a roadmap for a robust and targeted Restoration Plan to guide restoration in the Eel River Watershed for decades.

Project Partners:

Round Valley Indian Tribes

Humboldt County

Sonoma Water Agency 

Mendocino County Inland Water and Power Commission

Stillwater Sciences

McBain Associates

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