Legacy Giving

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Richard May Legacy Giving Circle

Leave a lasting legacy of support for California’s fish, water, and people.

Honoring California Trout with a gift in your will or living trust is a simple but meaningful way to leave a legacy of support for CalTrout that will continue to make a difference for years to come.

A Wellspring of Support

Your charitable bequest is a most important type of gift for California Trout. When you leave a legacy gift, you help sustain our mission by ensuring that future generations will be able to enjoy the wonders of California’s wild places and the cold, clean waters that flow through them.

Here are some ways you can make a difference for generations to come:

  • Make a gift to CalTrout in your will or trust
  • Name CalTrout as the beneficiary of your life insurance policy
  • Gift the balance of your retirement plan to CalTrout
  • Create an endowment

Richard May Legacy Circle

In 1971, Richard May and a small but passionate group of anglers formed CalTrout with the simple goal of protecting and restoring wild trout and steelhead waters throughout California. For the past half century, California Trout has been at the forefront of the coldwater fisheries conservation movement, fighting for our cherished wild fish and a better future for all Californians.

When you notify CalTrout of your legacy gift, whether planned or received, you will be honored with membership in the Richard May Legacy Circle, our legacy gift recognition group. As a member, you will be invited to special events and receive a token of our gratitude. And with your permission, we will recognize you in CalTrout publications–because when you step forward, others are encouraged to do the same.

Making a bequest to CalTrout is easy

Your charitable bequest is a most important type of gift for California Trout. When received, your bequest will be entered into our books and records as a gift that helps sustain our mission, serving the objectives and purposes of CalTrout.

There are three types of bequests for you to consider. The first, residual, is most flexible because it allows your gift to appreciate in your will, no matter what asset is used. Residual bequests are often made after remembering relatives and friends. A specific bequest of an asset, such as a retirement plan, results in no income taxes paid on the plan by your estate. When you place any of these first two types of bequest in your will or living trust and notify CalTrout, we will invite you to become a member of our Richard May Legacy Circle.


“I give, devise and bequeath to California Trout, a state of California nonprofit corporation, tax ID #23‐7097680, located at 435 Pacific Avenue, Suite 200, San Francisco, CA 94904, all the residue of my estate, including real personal property.” or “ ... ___% of my estate.”


“I give, devise and bequeath to California Trout, a state of California nonprofit corporation, tax ID 23‐7097680, located at 435 Pacific Avenue, Suite 200, San Francisco, CA 94904, Choose one: 1)The sum of $___________.”2)__________ shares of stock in ________________Company.”3)my real property commonly known as _________________.”


“In the event of the death of any of the beneficiaries, I give, devise and bequeath to California Trout, a state of California nonprofit corporation, tax ID 23‐7097680, located at 435 Pacific Avenue, Suite 200, San Francisco, CA 94904, (residual or specific language as above).”

At CalTrout, all unrestricted charitable gifts are used strategically to support top conservation priorities. If you have a more specific purpose in mind, please contact us to ensure that we can meet your wishes. Your support will help ensure abundant resilient wild fish in California’s beautiful rivers and streams.

Thank you for considering honoring CalTrout through a legacy gift. Should you have any additional questions, please contact Tracey Diaz, Development and Communications Director, at:(415) 392‐8887 ext. 103, or tdiaz@caltrout.org.