
July 27, 2012

CalTrout QuickCasts 2012-07-27

July 27, 2012
The latest CalTrout monthly enewsletter is out — including tips from guides about how to beat summer's Dog Days: # Don't forget CalTrout's auction of
July 20, 2012

CalTrout QuickCasts 2012-07-20

July 20, 2012
LA Times profiles Hot Creek Ranch — a California institution for fly fishermen: # RT @californiadfg: The Bite is On! Fishing for Salmon off California
July 13, 2012

CalTrout QuickCasts 2012-07-13

July 13, 2012
One model for getting wilderness-deprived kids into the outdoors? The Tehama Wilderness Team: # Donate a fly rod to the Trout Unlimited Youth Program and
July 6, 2012

CalTrout QuickCasts 2012-07-06

July 6, 2012
CA Legislature votes to bump $11 billion #cawater bond to 2014 ballot #sacdelta RT @matt_weiser: RT @CapitolAlert # RT @sierraanglers: July 7 is a free
June 29, 2012

CalTrout QuickCasts 2012-06-29

June 29, 2012
We explore what's going on with Hat Creek and Fall River — and inform about other key issues — in CalTrout's Streamkeeper's Log… # Fishing in
June 22, 2012

CalTrout QuickCasts 2012-06-22

June 22, 2012
California’s Golden Trout Wilderness trailheads reopened after George Fire – # Powered by Twitter Tools
June 15, 2012

CalTrout QuickCasts 2012-06-15

June 15, 2012
$646 billion spent on outdoor recreation ($340 billion on motor vehicles and parts, $331 billion on pharmaceuticals): # 35" steelhead already spawning above just-removed Elwha
June 8, 2012

CalTrout QuickCasts 2012-06-08

June 8, 2012
Fishing for Words blog compares photos of Sierra stream this year and last (better get up there and fish soon): # Siskiyou County water suit
June 1, 2012

CalTrout QuickCasts 2012-06-01

June 1, 2012
Hoopa Valley Tribe asks feds to resume Klamath dams relicensing while the owner (PacifiCorp) prefers the KBRA: # Locals ‘raft and restore’ the Sacramento River
May 25, 2012

CalTrout QuickCasts 2012-05-25

May 25, 2012
Study shows limits on Klamath well water for crops, says overpumping is lowering groundwater levels: # RT @lpawater: Progress on storm water capture & reuse
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