
July 1, 2024

CalTrout and Partners Release Groundbreaking Report to Guide Holistic Eel River Watershed Restoration and Recovery

July 1, 2024
The Eel River Watershed Restoration and Conservation Plan, authored by CalTrout and partners, outlines a collaborative and comprehensive path for recovery.
June 25, 2024

Big Win for Wildlife: Habitat Conservation Fund Secured!

June 25, 2024
Save the Redwoods League, the Yurok Tribe, National Park Service, and California State Parks signed a landmark agreement in a historic first step towards transferring ‘O Rew, a 125-acre ecologically and culturally important property and the site of a CalTrout project, back to its original steward, the Yurok Tribe.
June 21, 2024

Volunteer with CalTrout at the Lhiwetgut site along the Baduwa’t

June 21, 2024
Join the stewardship work days with CalTrout! Volunteer with us and become a steward of the Lhiwetgut site along the Baduwa’t. We believe that a healthy landscape is one that people are tending – and these actions create a healthy community.
June 12, 2024

Building a Climate-Resilient and Drought-Prepared Future with Assembly Bill 1272

June 12, 2024
Supported by a coalition of organizations and Tribal Nations, and co-sponsored by CalTrout, AB 1272 promises a better future for North Coast communities and the iconic species that live there. 
May 14, 2024

Women of CalTrout: Loretta Keller

May 14, 2024
In the latest installment of our Women of CalTrout profile series, meet CalTrout Board Member Loretta Keller!
April 30, 2024

Capitol Corner: CalTrout Visits DC and Celebrates Federal Freshwater Funding

April 30, 2024
Earlier this month, Redgie Collins, CalTrout’s Legal and Policy Director, flew to Washington DC to meet with California representatives to talk about CalTrout’s important restoration work. His visit directly preceded an exciting announcement by the Biden Administration for major freshwater investments.
April 25, 2024

NOAA Announces Funding for CalTrout Restoration Project in Humboldt County, an Investment in Coastal Resilience

April 25, 2024
On Earth Day, CalTrout secured a $6 million grant from NOAA for a Humboldt County restoration project as part of $75M investment to increase resilience in coastal zones. With this funding, we will break ground on decade-long planning effort to restore function to the Elk River estuary, protect working lands, and support recovery of native fish.
April 23, 2024

Southern Steelhead Listed as Endangered under California’s Endangered Species Act

April 23, 2024
The California Fish and Game Commission voted unanimously to list Southern California steelhead as endangered under the California Endangered Species Act. This landmark decision provides critically important protections for this iconic species, which teeters on the brink of extinction.
April 16, 2024

Darren Mierau, CalTrout Regional Director, is Restorationist of the Year at Annual SRF Conference

April 16, 2024
In addition to hosting sessions, presenting talks, and learning from each other at the annual Salmonid Restoration Federation Conference, we were thrilled to honor CalTrout North Coast Regional Director Darren Mierau with the 2024 Restorationist of the Year award.
April 11, 2024

Women of CalTrout: Lily Scurria

April 11, 2024
In the latest installment of our Women of CalTrout profile series, meet CalTrout Policy Intern Lillian Scurria.
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