CalTrout Staff

December 5, 2011

The Era of Dam Removal is Upon Us: CalTrout Talks About Taking Them Down

December 5, 2011
CalTrout Supports Dam Removal… Where It Makes Sense One of the largest threats to trout, steelhead and salmon are dams. And California has plenty of them
December 5, 2011

Notching Matilija Dam

December 5, 2011
Everyone Wants the Now-Useless Matilija Dam Removed. So Why Hasn’t It Been Taken Out? Matilija Dam, on the Ventura River, was constructed in 1948 and is
December 5, 2011

CalTrout’s Executive Director’s Update

December 5, 2011
[Ed’s Note: This originally appeared in the Fall print version of CalTrout Streamkeeper’s Log newsletter] Over the last few weeks, I’ve had opportunities to meet with
December 1, 2011

December Water Talk Rescheduled

December 1, 2011
The December 15 Water Talk (The KBRA and KHSA) has been rescheduled to January 19 (click for more information).
December 1, 2011

More on Klamath Dam Removal From The Los Angeles Times

December 1, 2011
California’s largest newspapers continue to favor the Klamath Basin Restoration Agreement (KBRA); this time the LA Times cites the benefits of removal of the four lowest
November 23, 2011

Will The Removal Of The Klamath River Dams Lead to Flooding?

November 23, 2011
Opponents of Klamath River dam removal suggest that flooding is the inevitable consequence of the loss of the dams, yet — in high spring runoff conditions
November 22, 2011

Legal Planet Supports Klamath Dam Removal In Article Focusing On Economic Benefits of Removal

November 22, 2011
The Legal Planet blog published a short article about the Klamath Dam Removal legislation focusing on the economic benefits to Siskiyou County: The Department of Interior,
November 21, 2011

Another Klamath River Dam Newspaper Editorial: “These are dams with obvious problems”

November 21, 2011
Opponents of Klamath River Dam removal often suggest it’s “insane” to tear down four perfectly good hydro-electric dams. The problem is, the aging structures on the
November 17, 2011

SF Chronicle Adds To Chorus Calling For Removal of Troubled Klamath River Dams

November 17, 2011
Legislation to remove the four lower Klamath River dams has been introduced into both houses of congress, and with Interior Secretary Ken Salazar due to make
November 16, 2011

Emergency Stream Closures to Protect So Cal Steelhead Are Under Discussion

November 16, 2011
At the November 16, 2011 California Department of Fish & Game (DFG) Commission hearing held in Santa Barbara, the Commission will consider a Request for Emergency
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