California Water

September 30, 2015

Officials Consider Trucking Salmon Above Shasta Dam

September 30, 2015
A recent article in the Sacramento Bee reports on the National Marine Fisheries Services and Bureau of Reclamation’s plans to truck winter-run Chinook above Shasta Dam
September 25, 2015

Marijuana cultivation to face environmental regulation

September 25, 2015
For Immediate Release September 12, 2015 Contact Nina Erlich-Williams, 510-336-9566 C: 415-577-1153, Marijuana cultivation to face environmental regulation thanks to AB 243 New law aims
August 28, 2015

BOR to Increase Flows to Help Klamath River Salmon

August 28, 2015
Last week the Bureau of Reclamation (BOR) announced that it would release additional water from Trinity Reservoir for the lower Klamath River to help protect returning
August 13, 2015

CalTrout and TNC Support Supplementing Flows on Klamath to Prevent Ich

August 13, 2015
With flow conditions on the Klamath River at historic lows and Ich, the deadly disease that cause the 2002 fish kill, having already been detected, CalTrout
August 7, 2015

The Flip-Side of Fish Hatcheries

August 7, 2015
Are hatcheries, originally intended to preserve salmon, actually harming the species? Get some perspective in the latest issue of Comstock’s  that includes insight from CalTrout’s Central
August 7, 2015

Notice: Higher Flows on Pit 5 Reach

August 7, 2015
On the weekends of August 15-16 and September 12-13, PG&E will provide high, whitewater flows on the Pit 5 Reach of the Pit River.  Flows will
July 23, 2015

Protect Smith River From Strip Mining – Support Proposed Mining Closure

July 23, 2015
Mining companies plan to excavate a series of nickel strip mines in the pristine tributaries of the Wild and Scenic Smith River and other rivers in the
July 13, 2015

CalTrout Receives Funding from Stewardship Council for Hat Creek Restoration Project

July 13, 2015
The Pacific Forest and Watershed Lands Stewardship Council (Stewardship Council), a land conservation and youth investment foundation, announced it is providing nearly $2 million in funding
July 8, 2015

Agriculture Secretary Vilsack Announces New Partnership to Support Water Quality and Quantity in Drought-Stricken California

July 8, 2015
In an announcement yesterday, State and Federal Agencies formally recognized the importance of conserving and restoring the Sierra Nevada and Southern Cascade Headwaters, affirming CalTrout’s work
July 8, 2015

Agriculture Secretary Vilsack Announces New Partnership to Support Water Quality and Quantity in Drought-Stricken California

July 8, 2015
In an announcement yesterday, State and Federal Agencies formally recognized the importance of conserving and restoring the Sierra Nevada and Southern Cascade Headwaters, affirming CalTrout’s work
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