California Water

January 27, 2015

Important Water Talks Begin

January 27, 2015
2014 was a monumental year for water policy in California with passage of the $7.5 billion dollar water bond and the groundbreaking Sustainable Groundwater Management Act. 
January 26, 2015

California Hatcheries – More Harm than Good?

January 26, 2015
Are California hatcheries negatively impacting the very species they are meant to sustain? Last week’s issue of The Fish Report from FishBio delves into the much
January 26, 2015

Important Water Talks Begin

January 26, 2015
2014 was a monumental year for water policy in California with passage of the $7.5 billion dollar water bond and the groundbreaking Sustainable Groundwater Management Act. 
January 5, 2015

For California Salmon, Drought And Warm Water Mean Trouble

January 5, 2015
Today’s article by Alastair Bland in Yale Environment 360 provides a sobering overview of the challenges faced by California’s steelhead and salmon. It also exemplifies why we
January 5, 2015

For California Salmon, Drought And Warm Water Mean Trouble

January 5, 2015
Today’s article by Alastair Bland in Yale Environment 360 provides a sobering overview of the challenges faced by California’s steelhead and salmon. It also exemplifies why we
December 5, 2014

Dead in the Ditch: Valley Drainage Canals are a Fatal Detour for Salmon

December 5, 2014
Proposed fix delayed by state and federal inaction Woodland, CA — Hundreds of large salmon have taken a wrong turn into dead-end drainage ditches in the
December 5, 2014

Dead in the Ditch: Valley Drainage Canals are a Fatal Detour for Salmon

December 5, 2014
Proposed fix delayed by state and federal inaction Woodland, CA — Hundreds of large salmon have taken a wrong turn into dead-end drainage ditches in the
November 20, 2014

Shaping Water Storage in California

November 20, 2014
There is a new report out from UC Davis and The Nature Conservancy about California’s water supply, titled: “Expanding California’s water supply: You can’t store what isn’t
November 20, 2014

Shaping Water Storage in California

November 20, 2014
There is a new report out from UC Davis and The Nature Conservancy about California’s water supply, titled: “Expanding California’s water supply: You can’t store what isn’t
November 6, 2014

Mono Lake at 20 Symposium – Registration Open

November 6, 2014
Mono Lake at 20: Past, Present, and Future November 17, 2014 in Sacramento, California  2014 marks the 20th anniversary of the State Water Resources Control Board’s
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