
April 25, 2017

Matilija Coalition Receives Award and Funding

April 25, 2017
Congratulations to the Matilija Coalition for receiving “Excellence in Environmental Stewardship” recognition from the Ventura County Board of Supervisors, presented at the County’s 2017 Earth Day
April 19, 2017

Modoc Meadows restoration project receives final grant for full funding

April 19, 2017
CalTrout was recently granted funding from the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation (NFWF) for our Sierra Nevada Meadow Restoration Program which aims to replenish the health
April 18, 2017

North Coast Director Darren Mierau Granted Conservation Achievement Award

April 18, 2017
We are excited to announce that our North Coast Program Director, Darren Mierau, was recently granted the Conservation Achievement Award from the Cal-Neva chapter of American
April 12, 2017

CalTrout presents at 35th Annual Salmonid Restoration Conference

April 12, 2017
The CalTrout team recently convened for the 35th Annual Salmonid Restoration Conference in Davis. This year’s theme was “Restoring Watersheds and Rebuilding Salmon Runs”. For over
March 29, 2017

CalTrout receives grants for fish passage improvement projects

March 29, 2017
CalTrout is excited to announce that we are the recipient of three grants totaling over $5 million to fund large-scale fish passage improvement projects at Little
March 27, 2017

Balancing water needs for fish and farms

March 27, 2017
Water is variable and limited in California, often times pitting agriculture against the environment, particularly fish. CalTrout has shown that, with smart water management and infrastructure,
March 20, 2017

Stories from the Eel River

March 20, 2017
The Eel River is staged for a comeback. And CalTrout is leading the way to accomplish this. We hope you enjoyed our five-part video series where
March 14, 2017

The future of Southern California steelhead

March 14, 2017
Southern California steelhead are survivors. Unlike their Northern California cousins, they have adapted to seasonally dry streams in the arid climate at the extreme southern end
March 9, 2017

A Love Letter to the Yolo Bypass

March 9, 2017
As we learn more about Congress and the State’s focus on building more dams, CalTrout remains invested in finding better solutions, ones that involve working with
February 27, 2017

CalTrout convenes annual Meadows Conference

February 27, 2017
On February 7th-10th, 2017 California Trout, with support from partners, National Fish & Wildlife Foundation and the CA Dept. of Fish & Wildlife, organized the third
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