
August 17, 2016

Managing Floodplains for Fish and Farms

August 17, 2016
A recent article in the San Francisco Chronicle by Tara Duggan, profiled CalTrout’s Nigiri Project and how smarter management of floodplains can benefit fish and farms.
August 3, 2016

Job Announcement: Southern California Project Coordinator

August 3, 2016
JOB TITLE: Southern California Project Coordinator LOCATION: Ventura, CA EMPLOYMENT STATUS: Half-time, with potential to grow into a full-time position COMPENSATION: Salary and benefits commensurate with experience EXPECTED
August 2, 2016

CLOSED – Job Announcement: Sierra Headwater Project Manager

August 2, 2016
JOB TITLE: Sierra Headwater Project Manager LOCATION: Mammoth Lakes, CA EMPLOYMENT STATUS: Full-time Position Position Summary California Trout is a 45 year-old conservation organization working to
July 21, 2016

Hat Creek Bridge Installed

July 21, 2016
Last week marked a historic milestone in the ongoing restoration of Hat Creek. After years of planning by CalTrout’s Andrew Braugh and many others, the bridge
June 30, 2016

Matilija Dam Removal Plan

June 30, 2016
DamNation producer Matt Stoecker gives an update on the fight to demolish the United States’ derelict dams and restore fish-friendly watersheds in a recent National Geographic
June 30, 2016

Redwood National Park Centennial Celebration

June 30, 2016
            On Sunday, June 26th CalTrout staff was at the Redwood National Park’s Centennial Celebration hosted on Save the Redwood League’s
June 30, 2016

Nigiri Project Receives Battery Powered Award

June 30, 2016
We’re pleased to announce that California Trout will receive a $250,000 award in support of our Nigiri Project, which promotes a multi-benefit approach to water management
June 16, 2016

Elk River Restoration Gets Boost

June 16, 2016
The Elk River is the largest tributary to Humboldt Bay and once provided many miles of high-quality habitat for Chinook and Coho salmon and steelhead. The
June 15, 2016

Eel River Forum Releases Action Plan

June 15, 2016
Eel River Forum Releases Comprehensive Action Plan to Recover Watershed and Native Fish Last week the Eel River Forum, led by CalTrout and comprised of 22
May 31, 2016

Why we need a World Fish Migration Day

May 31, 2016
May 21st marked the second annual World Fish Migration Day. The day reminds us that finding a balance between the needs of people and migrating fish
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