North Coast

June 17, 2011

Biologist Peter Moyle Discusses Effects of Suction Dredge Mining

June 17, 2011
While the suction dredge issue in California may be moot for the next five years if the current budget deal holds, uber-biologist Peter Moyle writes about
January 11, 2011

North Coast Region

January 11, 2011
October 15, 2019

Matthew Metheny

October 15, 2019
Matt is an avid steelhead angler and fisheries scientist for CalTrout’s North Coast Region since 2016. A 20 year resident of the area, Matt has both
July 15, 2019

Mary Burke

July 15, 2019
Mary is the North Coast Regional Manager for projects on the Eel River, Mad River and Prairie Creek. In addition, Mary coordinates the CalTrout-organized Eel River
July 12, 2019

Darren Mierau

July 12, 2019
Darren has a Masters Degree in Fisheries Biology from Humboldt State University and joined CalTrout in 2011. Before joining the organization, Mierau worked on numerous North
July 12, 2019

Curtis Knight

July 12, 2019
Curtis has worked for CalTrout since 2000. His passion for all things water led him to pursue a masters degree in Fisheries from Utah State University.
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