CalTrout News

June 6, 2012

Karuk Groundwater Study Says Overpumping Reducing Flows For Salmon In Scott River

June 6, 2012
A Karuk Tribe study of Scott Valley water says increased groundwater pumping is resulting in lower flows in the Scott River (which provides spawning habitat for
June 6, 2012

Karuk Groundwater Study Says Overpumping Reducing Flows For Salmon In Scott River

June 6, 2012
A Karuk Tribe study of Scott Valley water says increased groundwater pumping is resulting in lower flows in the Scott River (which provides spawning habitat for
June 5, 2012

Circuit Court Decision Says ESA Trumps 1872 Mining Act

June 5, 2012
In what will probably be viewed as a landmark decision, the U.S. 9th Circuit Court of Appeals has ruled that suction dredge mining permits can’t be
June 1, 2012

June 12 Water Talks: Clean Water, Gross Water

June 1, 2012
For Immediate Release: May 30th, 2012 Contact: Meadow Barr, 530.859/1411 “Water Talks”: Clean Water, Gross Water June 12; 6pm – 8pm Mount Shasta Resort (click for
June 1, 2012

CalTrout QuickCasts 2012-06-01

June 1, 2012
Hoopa Valley Tribe asks feds to resume Klamath dams relicensing while the owner (PacifiCorp) prefers the KBRA: # Locals ‘raft and restore’ the Sacramento River
May 31, 2012

What Does California’s Water Really Mean To The State’s Economy

May 31, 2012
The always wonky California Water Blog looks at California’s dependence on water — and its importance to the economy — in a recent post. Those used
May 25, 2012

CalTrout QuickCasts 2012-05-25

May 25, 2012
Study shows limits on Klamath well water for crops, says overpumping is lowering groundwater levels: # RT @lpawater: Progress on storm water capture & reuse
May 24, 2012

The Eastern Sierra Update: Golden Trout and the Mammoth Watershed

May 24, 2012
Golden Trout In The Crosshairs The Kern Plateau and the Golden Trout that reside there are in the news this month as the impacts of cattle
May 24, 2012

CalTrout A Part Of Native Species Restoration In Malibu

May 24, 2012
CalTrout is part of a native species restoration project at Chumash Village in Malibu, CA. Interested in helping? Everything you need to know is in the
May 24, 2012

CalTrout Fundraising Gala Another Big Success

May 24, 2012
CalTrout’s 2012 Fundraising Gala was a big a success as we’d hoped; everyone had fun and the money raised will go a long ways toward supporting
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