CalTrout News

August 26, 2011

CalTrout QuickCasts 2011-08-26

August 26, 2011
The Facts Behind the New Pit River Flows – # Reintroduction of Lahontan cutthroat trout should benefit anglers | # Poachers (or are
August 24, 2011

The Facts About The Pit River Hydropower Relicensing

August 24, 2011
  Despite a Contentious Relicensing Process, CalTrout Works To Protect and Restore One Of California’s Blue Ribbon Rivers   While the Pit River is one of
August 22, 2011

Central Valley Floodplains: A Critical (And Missing) Link to Salmon Recovery

August 22, 2011
Understanding Central Valley Floodplains by Carson Jeffres, University of California, Davis Salmon and steelhead populations in California experience a “death-by-a-thousand cuts”: dams block access to spawning
August 17, 2011

Our Executive Director’s Update

August 17, 2011
The summer edition of the printed Stream Keeper’s Log newsletter should be hitting mailboxes any day now. In the interest of keeping our online readers up
August 9, 2011

Darren Mierau Joins CalTrout as North Coast Region Manager

August 9, 2011
We are excited to announce that Darren Mierau has joined CalTrout as our North Coast Region Manager , where he’ll oversee and expand projects on the
August 9, 2011

Coho Recovery On The Shasta River Key to Klamath Salmon Recovery

August 9, 2011
Northern California’s Shasta River is a ‘keystone’ watershed in the Klamath Basin; its rich waters help grow large juvenile coho salmon, and it’s the last major
August 4, 2011

PG&E Closes Pit River Canyon Road Temporarily on August 9

August 4, 2011
PG&E Closes Pit River Canyon Road to Make Improvements BURNEY, Calif. – Pit River Canyon Road will be closed to through traffic for up to a
August 3, 2011

Juvenile Quagga Mussels Found In Nevada Lakes

August 3, 2011
Juvenile Quagga Mussels have been detected in Nevada lakes located only an hour from Lake Tahoe, and while the immediate threat to other lakes isn’t entirely
August 3, 2011

CalTrout Looking For Volunteers for Lake Tahoe Invasives Project

August 3, 2011
CalTrout is looking for volunteers to help with a warm water invasive fish control project in Lake Tahoe. If you are interested in donating a day
July 22, 2011

Job Opportunity: Upper Sacramento River Exchange Searching for New Executive Director

July 22, 2011
Upper Sacramento River Exchange – Executive Director Do you know someone who is interested in leading a respected conservation organization working to promote healthy watersheds in
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