Forum Meetings

Eel River Forum Meetings

April 4, 2024: Online webinar

1:00 pm – 2:30 pm PT

California Trout and our partners McBain and Associates and Stillwater Sciences presented our progress on the Eel River Restoration and Conservation Plan for the Eel River watershed. This meeting reviewed the content of the Plan draft and highlighted the process for public comment and feedback on the draft. You can view the draft plan and provide comments here.

Thanks to everyone who was able to attend! For those who were not able to make it, check out some resources from the meeting below.

View the meeting slides, meeting recording, and a special message from Congressman Huffman!

We look forward to seeing you at the next meeting (date TBA)!

– Christine Davis, North Coast Project Manager

To join our mailing list and for meeting updates delivered directly to your inbox, sign up here. For further information please contact erf @


October 4, 2023: Online webinar

2:00 pm – 4:00 pm

California Trout, Stillwater Sciences, McBain and Associates, and Round Valley Indian Tribes Fisheries (the Project Team) presented our work to date on the CDFW-funded Eel River Restoration and Conservation Plan. We shared our progress and schedule for Plan draft review in 2024.


Click here to explore the meeting slides.

Click here to view the DRAFT Goals for the Eel River Restoration and Conservation Program.


April 4, 2023: Covelo

11:00 am – 3:00 pm, Covelo Round Valley Library Commons

Click here to explore the meeting agenda.

Click here to explore the meeting slides.


January 30, 2023: Fortuna

10:00 am – 2:00 pm, Fortuna River Lodge

Welcome back to the Eel River Forum! The Eel River Forum resumes to present an overview of the Vison, Goals and Objectives of the Eel Restoration Program and Restoration Plan, currently in Phase 1. Additionally, there will be time for community announcements and updates as well as short presentations from the Wiyot Tribe and Friends of the Eel River, among others.

View slides from this meeting here.


November 6, 2019: Fortuna

Meeting Documents: AgendaAttendees


  • Updates (audio)
  • Eric Bjorkstedt (NOAA and HSU): “Beyond the Eel: ocean conditions and climate variability affecting North Coast salmon and steelhead” (slides/audio)
  • Mike Furniss (ret. USFS R&D, and HSU – Forestry): “5R+1 as a model to conceptualize action to address climate change and sea level rise, with an emphasis on estuaries and floodplains” (slides/audio)
  • Aldaron Laird (Trinity Associates and HSU SLR Initiative): “Sea Level Rise Planning – Using examples from Humboldt Bay to demonstrate what has been done to assess vulnerability and challenges to developing regional and local adaptation strategies/actions in the neighboring watershed” (slides/audio)
  • Jeremy Svehla (GHD): “Presenting the Eel River estuary restoration projects as examples of different management approaches and various constraints to addressing sea level rise and other climate change related issues in the estuary” (slides/audio)
  • Key points summary (slides)
  • Panel and Group Discussion – Identify the next steps and greatest needs to support sea level rise planning in the Eel River estuary. (audio)

December 12, 2018: Willits

Meeting Documents: AgendaAttendees

Presentations: Jason Liles, State Senator Michael McGuire’s office; Frank Aebly Ph.D., Forest Service District Ranger; Chuck Striplen, NCRWQCB

May 2, 2018: Benbow

Meeting Documents: Agenda; Attendees

Presentations: Scott Bauer, CDFW;  Daniel Schultz, State Water Board; Connor McIntee, Regional Water Board

December 13, 2017 Eureka Restoration Workshop

Meeting Documents: Agenda; Attendees

Presentations: Darren Mierau, CalTrout

October 4, 2017: Willits

Meeting Documents: Agenda

Presentations: Wiyot Tribe; US Fish and Wildlife Service; Sonoma County Water Agency; Friends of the Eel River; Paul Kubicek, PG&E

June 14, 2017: Benbow

Meeting Documents: Agenda

Presentations:  Dr. Stephanie Carlson; Dr. Mike Miller; Dr. Mary Power; Gabe Rossi; Sam Kannry; Suzanne Kelson

March 22, 2017: Fortuna

Meeting Documents: Agenda

Presentations: Hank Seemann, Humboldt County Public Works; Scott Monday, CDFW; Pat Higgins, ERRP

October 19, 2016: Willits

Meeting Documents: Agenda; Blue Green Algae Info Sheet

Presentations: Dave Manning, Sonoma County Water Agency; Dr. Ron Yoshiyama; Katherine Carter, RWQCB

June 8, 2016: Benbow

Meeting Documents: Agenda

Presentations: Mark Sherwood and Jake Crawford, NFS; Jim Graham; Emily Cooper & UPDATE: Emily Cooper’s Thesis Defense Presentation; Patrick Vaughan and Leah Mahan, NMFS

March 9, 2016: Fortuna

Meeting Documents: Agenda

October 14, 2015: Willits

Meeting Documents: Agenda

Presentations: NMFS; Eli Asarian

July 9, 2015: Benbow

Meeting Documents: Agenda

Presentations: Mark Trenholm (WSC)

May 20, 2015: Fortuna

Meeting Documents: Agenda

February 4, 2015: Benbow

Meeting Documents: Agenda

Presentations: David Kajtaniak; North Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board

December 3, 2014: Willits

Meeting Documents: Agenda

Presentations: Julie Weeder, Mary Burke, Paul Kubicek

September 18, 2014: Fortuna

Meeting Documents: Invitation

Presentations: Eel River Delta Celebration

May 28, 2014: Benbow

Meeting Documents: Agenda

Presentations: Dave Katjaniak, Sal Steinberg, Bret Harvey

December 12, 2013: Willits

Meeting Documents: Agenda

October 23, 2013: Benbow

Meeting Documents: Agenda

June 19, 2013: Fortuna

Meeting Documents: Agenda

May 29, 2013: Willits

Meeting Documents: Agenda

Presentations: Ian Thoma and Paul Kubicek; Paul Kubicek and Park Steiner; Janet Pauli; David Manning and Don Seymour

April 24, 2013: Benbow

Meeting Documents: Agenda

Presentation: Darren Mierau; Monitoring Goals Document;

March 20, 2013: Fortuna

Meeting Documents: Agenda

Presentations: David Kajtaniak; Doreen Hansen

February 20, 2013: Willits

Meeting Documents: Agenda

Presentations: Bryan McFadin and Joelle Geppert; Tom Leroy

January 23, 2013: Benbow

Meeting Documents: Agenda;

Presentations: Darren Mierau; Brad Job; Scott Bauer; Matt McCarthy

December 19, 2012: Fortuna

Meeting Documents: Agenda

Presentations: Stephen Kullmann; Nick Simpson

November 13, 2012: Willits

Meeting Documents: Agenda

Presentations: Allan Renger; Bryan McFadin; Jay Harris; Scott Harris; Paul Kubicek; Larry Desmond

October 16, 2012: Garberville

Meeting Documents: Agenda

July 17, 2012: Fortuna

Meeting Documents: Agenda