klamath river

August 23, 2013

Klamath Salmon, Tribes, Fishermen, Conservation Groups All Breathing A Little Easier

August 23, 2013
Judge O’Neil Orders Increased Flows Down Trinity, Klamath Rivers To Protect Salmon CalTrout members wondering if another massive fish kill is in store for the Klamath’s
August 23, 2013

Klamath Salmon, Tribes, Fishermen, Conservation Groups All Breathing A Little Easier

August 23, 2013
Judge O’Neil Orders Increased Flows Down Trinity, Klamath Rivers To Protect Salmon CalTrout members wondering if another massive fish kill is in store for the Klamath’s
June 27, 2013

UC Davis Study Says Hatchery Hastening Demise of Wild Klamath Steelhead & Salmon Stocks

June 27, 2013
The hatchery designed to mitigate the damage done to the Klamath River’s steelhead and stocks by dams appears to be hastening the demise of wild populations,
May 17, 2013

Video: Stoneflies On The Klamath River

May 17, 2013
The stonefly hatch on the Klamath River can make for some seriously fun fly fishing; you’re throwing big bugs — which are often viciously attacked. It’s
April 17, 2013

CalTrout Op-Ed: Klamath Dam Removal Critics Entitled To Own Opinion, But Not Own Facts

April 17, 2013
The following Op-Ed was written by CalTrout Conservation Director Curtis Knight and published in the Redding Record-Searchlight. It’s a response to the volley of misinformation fired
April 16, 2013

Redding Paper Believes Four Klamath River Dams Coming Out

April 16, 2013
The Redding Record-Searchlight’s astute editorial on Klamath Dam removal covers a lot of ground, but two passages nicely sum up the reality of the four lower
June 5, 2012

Circuit Court Decision Says ESA Trumps 1872 Mining Act

June 5, 2012
In what will probably be viewed as a landmark decision, the U.S. 9th Circuit Court of Appeals has ruled that suction dredge mining permits can’t be
November 22, 2011

Legal Planet Supports Klamath Dam Removal In Article Focusing On Economic Benefits of Removal

November 22, 2011
The Legal Planet blog published a short article about the Klamath Dam Removal legislation focusing on the economic benefits to Siskiyou County: The Department of Interior,
October 10, 2011

CalTrout Conservation Director Cites Facts, Calls For Dialog In Klamath River Dam Removal Issue

October 10, 2011
(ED: This editorial was originally published in the Siskiyou Daily News by CalTrout’s Conservation Director Curtis Knight) There has been a lot of talk recently about
September 23, 2011

Press Release: Klamath Stakeholders Seize Momentum on Heels of Salazar Comments, Study Results

September 23, 2011
P R E S S   R E L E A S EKaruk Tribe • Klamath Tribes of Oregon • American Rivers Pacific Coast Federation of Fishermen’s
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