
November 17, 2015

Drought or floods. What’s worse?

November 17, 2015
California Trout’s work throughout the state is demonstrating that endangered fish populations are not an inevitable consequence of development. Instead, fish species declines are a direct result
November 17, 2015

All of California’s fish in one basket

November 17, 2015
If you want to take a deep dive into the status of California’s native fish, check out PISCES.   Originally conceived by Central California director Jacob Katz
November 6, 2015

Klamath Agreements – It’s Time

November 6, 2015
It’s time.  Legislation needs to be passed.  The op-ed in today’s NY Times outlines the central issue here—local groups came together to solve a problem; congressional
November 5, 2015

Hat Creek Restoration – Not Your Typical Day at the Office

November 5, 2015
“Now that’s what I call woody debris.”   Any time it takes a 110 ton crane, a back hoe, 60,000 lbs of ballast, and a Firehawk
October 29, 2015

Will winter-run salmon go the way of the bull trout?

October 29, 2015
The drought is putting winter-run on the edge.  Unlike other Central Valley runs, their eggs incubate in early summer and hatch out during the hottest time
October 23, 2015

CalTrout Achieves Settlement with BOR to Protect Endangered Steelhead

October 23, 2015
For Immediate Release: October 22, 2015 Contacts: Candice Meneghin, Conservation Manager, Southern California Region, California Trout, (805) 665-6203; Cell: (310) 890-2834 Nicole Di Camillo, Staff Attorney
October 22, 2015

Knight’s Landing Project to Help Stranded Chinook

October 22, 2015
After several years of successfully demonstrating the multi-benefit use of floodplains with our Nigiri Project, which establishes salmon habitat on rice fields — benefiting agriculture, flood protection,
October 20, 2015

Upcoming Water Talks – Water Conservation: Drought Policy Conversation

October 20, 2015
Join us for the final in the three part series on Water Conservation:  Drought Policy Conversation Wednesday October 21st 2015,  6pm to 8 pm Mt. Shasta Sisson Museum, 1 North
October 19, 2015

Sacramento Valley Salmon Recovery Program

October 19, 2015
CalTrout collaborates to maximize water use in drought After four hot, dry years, Central Valley salmon populations on the ropes. Winter run Chinook  salmon, the most
September 30, 2015

Officials Consider Trucking Salmon Above Shasta Dam

September 30, 2015
A recent article in the Sacramento Bee reports on the National Marine Fisheries Services and Bureau of Reclamation’s plans to truck winter-run Chinook above Shasta Dam
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