Mount Shasta / Klamath

December 1, 2011

December Water Talk Rescheduled

December 1, 2011
The December 15 Water Talk (The KBRA and KHSA) has been rescheduled to January 19 (click for more information).
November 17, 2011

SF Chronicle Adds To Chorus Calling For Removal of Troubled Klamath River Dams

November 17, 2011
Legislation to remove the four lower Klamath River dams has been introduced into both houses of congress, and with Interior Secretary Ken Salazar due to make
November 11, 2011

Thirty Seconds To Better Steelhead & Salmon Fishing in California (and a Stronger Economy)

November 11, 2011
The facts are clear: The four lower Klamath River dams (which are currently throttling the salmon and steelhead populations on what used to be the west
November 7, 2011

CalTrout’s Curtis Knight Featured in Klamath Dam Broadcast

November 7, 2011
Conservation Director Curtis Knight was featured in an ABC TV broadcast covering the Klamath River restoration/dam removal controversy. Knight has worked on this issue for more
November 2, 2011

California’s Coho Salmon On Verge of Extinction

November 2, 2011
UC Davis’ Peter Moyle has studied California’s native fish species since the 70s, and in a distressing post on the California Water Blog, he suggests less
October 31, 2011

Salmon Returning to Newly Restored Shasta Big Springs Creek

October 31, 2011
A painterly take on something seen too rarely in California’s rivers — a spawning salmon. This is one of many now returning to The Nature Conservancy’s
October 27, 2011

The Condit Dam Blasted; Same Economic Conditions Will Force Removal Of Klamath Dams

October 27, 2011
Pacific Power is in the process of removing the White Salmon River’s Condit Dam (see explosive dam removal video below), and while the video of the
October 10, 2011

CalTrout Conservation Director Cites Facts, Calls For Dialog In Klamath River Dam Removal Issue

October 10, 2011
(ED: This editorial was originally published in the Siskiyou Daily News by CalTrout’s Conservation Director Curtis Knight) There has been a lot of talk recently about
September 26, 2011

Klamath Dam Removal Would Create 4600 Jobs, Costs Far Less Than First Guessed…

September 26, 2011
In his recent Commonwealth Club speech, Interior Secretary Kenneth Salazar said the upcoming Draft Environmental Impact Statement/Report (DEIS/DEIR) for the removal of the Klamath Dams offered
September 23, 2011

Press Release: Klamath Stakeholders Seize Momentum on Heels of Salazar Comments, Study Results

September 23, 2011
P R E S S   R E L E A S EKaruk Tribe • Klamath Tribes of Oregon • American Rivers Pacific Coast Federation of Fishermen’s
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