Mount Shasta / Klamath

April 18, 2012

CalTrout Interview: Pit River and Fall River Guide Art Teter

April 18, 2012
  After guiding on the Pit River for more than 25 years, Art Teter tells us what he thinks of the Pit River’s new flow regime.
March 31, 2012

Massive Waterfowl Die-Off In Klamath Refuge Highlights Importance Of KBRA

March 31, 2012
In what amounts to 10,000 more good reasons to get the Klamath Basin Restoration Agreement (KBRA) in place, migrating waterfowl are dying by the thousands because
March 16, 2012

Water Talks Series Plans First Meeting In Yreka

March 16, 2012
For Immediate Release: Contact: Meadow Barr, 530.859.1411 First 2012 “Water Talks” program focuses on Local Watershed Successes in Siskiyou County Yreka, CA — The public is
March 15, 2012

Independent Peer Review Says Klamath Dam Removal Science “Sound” and “Reliable”

March 15, 2012
Klamath Dam Removal Clears Another Hurdle An independent peer review panel who examined the Draft Klamath Dam Removal Overview Report said the report “connects to the
March 12, 2012

Saving The Klamath River: An Interview With Fly Fishing Guide Craig Nielsen

March 12, 2012
Craig Nielsen is the owner of Shasta Trout — a Northern California fly fishing guide and outfitting service that regularly puts clients on the Klamath River
February 21, 2012

Curtis Knight Outlines Case For Klamath River Dam Removal

February 21, 2012
This Editorial supporting Klamath River dam removal was written by CalTrout Conservation Director Curtis Knight and published in the Siskiyou Daily News. This is CalTrout’s response
February 7, 2012

A River At A Crossroads: The Case For Klamath Dam Removal

February 7, 2012
The Klamath River’s salmon and steelhead fisheries have been in steady decline for decades, and CalTrout strongly believes removing the four lower Klamath River dams remains
February 7, 2012

The Art of Deception Fly Fishing Exhibit Debuts At Turtle Bay (Redding, CA)

February 7, 2012
California’s fly fishing heritage finally gets its own spotlight as Turtle Bay — an aquarium/adventure museum in Redding, CA — hosts The Art of Deception from
February 1, 2012

The Klamath Dam Removal Legislation: “The time for Congress to act is now”

February 1, 2012
The pressure is growing to take down the Klamath River Dams; the draft report released by the U.S. Department of the Interior says a landmark agreement
January 31, 2012

The SF Chronicle On Klamath River Dam Removal: “This is one water war that should be called off.”

January 31, 2012
The Klamath River dams should come out. That’s the conclusion of the best, peer-reviewed science available. Removal will help restore the Klamath’s once-abundant salmon and steelhead
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