
April 17, 2013

CalTrout Op-Ed: Klamath Dam Removal Critics Entitled To Own Opinion, But Not Own Facts

April 17, 2013
The following Op-Ed was written by CalTrout Conservation Director Curtis Knight and published in the Redding Record-Searchlight. It’s a response to the volley of misinformation fired
April 16, 2013

Redding Paper Believes Four Klamath River Dams Coming Out

April 16, 2013
The Redding Record-Searchlight’s astute editorial on Klamath Dam removal covers a lot of ground, but two passages nicely sum up the reality of the four lower
April 8, 2013

In Final Environmental Report, Triple-peer-reviewed Science Says Klamath River Dams Must Go

April 8, 2013
No Alternative to KBRA Agreement Means Continued Problems for the Klamath’s Salmon and Its Communities With the Klamath Basin facing another below average water year, the
March 28, 2013

A CalTrout Interview: Central Region Manager Jacob Katz

March 28, 2013
Jacob Katz is the manager of CalTrout’s Central Region. A fly fisherman with an eye for big, anadromous fish, he’s heading our newest region, which includes
March 22, 2013

Suction Dredge Mining Resuming In California Despite Moratorium Forbidding It?

March 22, 2013
Suction dredge mining is currently banned in California, but some suggest miners are sidestepping the law by excluding a key piece of equipment and suction dredging
March 12, 2013

CalTrout Study Turns Idle Rice Fields Into Salmon Nursery: Could Hold Key To Central Valley Salmon Restoration

March 12, 2013
Studies say salmon grow fastest in flooded Central Valley rice fields — and size really does matter. One of the keys to salmon recovery in California’s
March 11, 2013

A CalTrout Interview: Southern California Regional Manager Kurt Zimmerman

March 11, 2013
Though he’s now CalTrout’s Southern California region manager, Kurt Zimmerman is a former federal prosecutor, and he clearly means business when it comes to protecting and
February 28, 2013

After Two Dry Months, California’s Waterpack Swings From Feast To Famine

February 28, 2013
A warm early winter storm and record-setting Holiday snowfall put California’s snowpack at 150% of normal at the turn of the year, but the driest January
February 27, 2013

Two 26″ Steelhead Spawn In San Francisquito Creek Below Searsville Dam. Will They Survive?

February 27, 2013
CalTrout’s been supportive of the fight to remove Stanford University’s Searsville Dam, which blocks upstream access to steelhead and doesn’t offer dedicated flows. This video of
February 27, 2013

A CalTrout Interview: North Coast Regional Manager Darren Mierau

February 27, 2013
Editor’s Note: CalTrout’s Regional Managers are at the heart of CalTrout’s accomplishments; they make the calls, visit the sites, attend the meetings, protect the rivers, negotiate
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