
January 31, 2013

Water Talks: Results Of The Mt. Shasta Watershed Analysis Discussion On February 12

January 31, 2013
  FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE January 30th 2013 Contacts: Meadow Barr, California Trout: 530-859-1411 Kara Baylog, Shasta Valley RCD: 530-926-2259 Mount Shasta Watershed Analysis Seen as Important
January 31, 2013

CalTrout Op-Ed: It is Time for Congress to Act on the Klamath Agreements

January 31, 2013
  Note: The following Op-Ed by Jeff Thompson — California Trout’s Executive Director — appeared in the Sacramento Bee.   A decade after a dramatic fish
January 29, 2013

CalTrout’s Comments On The BOR’s Shasta Dam Raising Draft Feasibility Report

January 29, 2013
CalTrout appreciates the opportunity to comment on the Bureau of Reclamation’s Draft Feasibility Report for Shasta Lake Water Resources Investigation. CalTrout is primarily concerned about: The
January 24, 2013

Keith Brauneis Interview: We Talk To The Filmmaker Behind “Enough is Enough”

January 24, 2013
  The maker of the McCloud “Enough is Enough” video talks about rivers, cameras, and nearly freezing to death. Keith Brauneis is the creator of the
January 24, 2013

CalTrout Questions Loss of Protected Rivers Caused By Raising Shasta Dam

January 24, 2013
  Raising Shasta Dam, flooding McCloud & Upper Sacramento Rivers contradicts state Wild and Scenic Rivers Act When the Bureau of Reclamation (BOR) released their Draft
January 10, 2013

Six Imperiled Delta Fish Species Suffer Population Declines Following Dry Year

January 10, 2013
The six imperiled California Delta fish species which saw an increase in populations during the wet 2011 season have all fallen back to perilously low levels
December 5, 2012

McCloud River Featured In Photography Book

December 5, 2012
Fly fishing guide and photographer John Rickards launched a Kickstarter campaign to fund his fine art photography book on the McCloud River. That campaign was funded,
December 5, 2012

McCloud River Featured In Photography Book

December 5, 2012
Fly fishing guide and photographer John Rickards launched a Kickstarter campaign to fund his fine art photography book on the McCloud River. That campaign was funded,
November 28, 2012

CalTrout Awarded $650,000 Grant To Restore California’s Iconic Hat Creek Fishery

November 28, 2012
Hat Creek restoration funded, work set to begin in 2013 California’s once-productive Hat Creek fishery has suffered the last two decades, and while we outlined the
November 28, 2012

CalTrout Awarded $650,000 Grant To Restore California’s Iconic Hat Creek Fishery

November 28, 2012
Hat Creek restoration funded, work set to begin in 2013 California’s once-productive Hat Creek fishery has suffered the last two decades, and while we outlined the
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