Steelhead & Salmon

November 20, 2012

Time Lapse Video of Bear Creek Dam Removal (San Francisquito Creek Watershed)

November 20, 2012
Literally hundreds (OK, thousands) of small dams and water diversions dot California’s streams and rivers, some of which deny steelhead and salmon access to spawning habitat.
November 20, 2012

Time Lapse Video of Bear Creek Dam Removal (San Francisquito Creek Watershed)

November 20, 2012
Literally hundreds (OK, thousands) of small dams and water diversions dot California’s streams and rivers, some of which deny steelhead and salmon access to spawning habitat.
November 9, 2012

Trinity Salmon Redd Counts Looking Very Promising…

November 9, 2012
For a time, 90% of the Trinity River’s water was being diverted for agricultural use, and the river’s salmon and steelhead runs suffered accordingly. The current
November 9, 2012

Trinity Salmon Redd Counts Looking Very Promising…

November 9, 2012
For a time, 90% of the Trinity River’s water was being diverted for agricultural use, and the river’s salmon and steelhead runs suffered accordingly. The current
October 15, 2012

Water Talks: Shasta River Salmon (Wednesday, Oct 17)

October 15, 2012
This edition of Water Talks focuses on what’s happening to salmon on Siskiyou County’s Shasta River — one of the richest tributaries in the Klamath watershed.
October 11, 2012

The Scott River’s Salmon Waiting For Water

October 11, 2012
California’s banner salmon runs are running smack into the same problems that have plagued California’s salmon runs for more than a century. Water. Currently, a sizable
October 11, 2012

See What Salmon Recovery Looks Like At Shasta Big Springs Ranch Open House

October 11, 2012
October 26 & 27 Open House At Shasta Big Springs Ranch Offers Great Viewing Despite a year of good returns, California’s salmon populations remain in peril,
October 2, 2012

Problems With California’s Salmon & Steelhead Hatcheries Fueling “Boom or Bust” Salmon Populations?

October 2, 2012
Hatchery Killing Salmon To Prevent Mixing of Spring, Fall Runs California’s Feather River Hatchery is killing salmon instead of harvesting and breeding them — a counter-intuitive
October 2, 2012

Problems With California’s Salmon & Steelhead Hatcheries Fueling “Boom or Bust” Salmon Populations?

October 2, 2012
Hatchery Killing Salmon To Prevent Mixing of Spring, Fall Runs California’s Feather River Hatchery is killing salmon instead of harvesting and breeding them — a counter-intuitive
September 12, 2012

Klamath River Once Again Experiencing Toxic Algae Blooms, Courtesy Dams That Should Go

September 12, 2012
Every summer, the Klamath River becomes the victim of toxic algae blooms, courtesy Iron Gate and Copco reservoirs — two of the four reservoirs targeted for
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