Steelhead & Salmon

May 24, 2012

CalTrout Making Waves on North Coast’s Eel River

May 24, 2012
California’s Eel River needs help. It’s suffering the effects of decades of habitat destruction (fish populations have yet to recover from the disastrous 1964 floods, which
May 14, 2012

Hatchery Salmon Damaging Wild Fish Stocks By Outcompeting Them For Food

May 14, 2012
Hatchery salmon stocks have long been used to “mitigate” the damage to wild salmon stocks caused by habitat loss, dams, water quality issues and others. A
May 10, 2012

Russian River Coho Now Dependent On Hatchery

May 10, 2012
High Country News looks at the Russian River’s coho salmon hatchery program, which — despite the very real problems associated with hatchery salmon — may be
May 9, 2012

Avoiding a Steelhead Versus Wineries Showdown in California’s Wine Country

May 9, 2012
Central California’s steelhead populations have been decimated by the loss of habitat (development) and water diversions says a new University of California, Berkeley report: “Nearly all
May 2, 2012

Klamath River Restoration Is Cheap Compared To Costs Of Doing Nothing

May 2, 2012
Opposition to Klamath River Restoration (the KBRA & KHSA) often focuses on the costs of the agreements; dam removal isn’t cheap, and neither is restoration of
April 30, 2012

Avoiding Steelhead And Salmon Habitat Restoration “Traps”

April 30, 2012
Restoring habitat would seem like a simple process; dump some gravel, add a little water, and watch the salmon populations rebound. Except… Restoration of degraded habitat
March 28, 2012

Friends of the Eel River Holding The Eel River Symposium, April 14 (Fortuna, CA)

March 28, 2012
March 19, 2012

California Legislators Work To Protect California’s Iconic Coho Salmon From Extinction

March 19, 2012
AB 1961 Gives Landowners, Organizations Freedom To Move Quickly To Protect Coho Salmon With California’s coho salmon populations facing extinction, CalTrout, Trout Unlimited (TU) and The
March 15, 2012

Independent Peer Review Says Klamath Dam Removal Science “Sound” and “Reliable”

March 15, 2012
Klamath Dam Removal Clears Another Hurdle An independent peer review panel who examined the Draft Klamath Dam Removal Overview Report said the report “connects to the
March 14, 2012

CalTrout Supports Salmon Protection Through Higher Smith River Flows

March 14, 2012
The Smith River remains one of California’s most pristine rivers, and it supports good salmon and steelhead runs — both of which are highly sought after
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