Long-term fish monitoring programs in California have often struggled to receive adequate attention and funding. However, we are thrilled to share that AB 809 was recently signed into law by Governor Gavin Newsom. This bill will establish a dedicated program to support the long-term monitoring of California’s native salmon and steelhead trout populations. AB 809 was authored by Assemblymember Bennett, and CalTrout co-sponsored this bill with our partners in the California Salmon and Steelhead Coalition, The Nature Conservancy and Trout Unlimited.
The California Monitoring Program (CMP) was created to monitor and collect comprehensive data on our endangered anadromous fish populations, including Chinook salmon, coho salmon and steelhead to inform future management decisions. This bill will put CMP into statute, which will allow us to ensure continuous operation of the program and eliminate data gaps.
Why should you care? Salmon and steelhead are important indicators of watershed health. This bill will help us identify where we do and do not have clean and healthy waters – something that all of us rely on! When we uncover problems with our fish, it typically means there’s a bigger problem within the watershed. Often fish surveys are the only boots on the ground in critical watersheds.
Improving our knowledge of fish populations also helps us understand where and how to focus our restoration efforts, ensuring that the money that we – and you as donors – put into restoration is having a positive impact. Long-term population level monitoring is the best way to keep track of our progress to recover culturally and economically important salmon runs.
Thank you to everyone who supported this bill as it made its way to the Governor’s desk, thank you to Assemblymember Bennett for authoring, and thank you to Governor Newsom for recognizing the importance of this bill for protecting California’s vulnerable native fish populations!
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Peter Moyle is the Distinguished Professor Emeritus in the Department of Wildlife, Fish and Conservation Biology and Associate Director of the Center for Watershed Sciences, at UC Davis. He is author or co-author of more than 240 publications, including the definitive Inland Fishes of California (2002). He is co-author of the 2017 book, Floodplains: Processes and Management for Ecosystem Services. His research interests include conservation of aquatic species, habitats, and ecosystems, including salmon; ecology of fishes of the San Francisco Estuary; ecology of California stream fishes; impact of introduced aquatic organisms; and use of floodplains by fish.
Robert Lusardi is the California Trout/UC Davis Wild and Coldwater Fish Researcher focused on establishing the basis for long-term science specific to California Trout’s wild and coldwater fish initiatives. His work bridges the widening gap between academic science and applied conservation policy, ensuring that rapidly developing science informs conservation projects throughout California. Dr. Lusardi resides at the UC Davis Center for Watershed Sciences and works closely with Dr. Peter Moyle on numerous projects to help inform California Trout conservation policy. His recent research interests include Coho salmon on the Shasta River, the ecology of volcanic spring-fed rivers, inland trout conservation and management, and policy implications of trap and haul programs for anadromous fishes in California.
Patrick Samuel is the Conservation Program Coordinator for California Trout, a position he has held for almost two years, where he coordinates special research projects for California Trout, including the State of the Salmonids report. Prior to joining CalTrout, he worked with the Fisheries Leadership & Sustainability Forum, a non-profit that supports the eight federal regional fishery management councils around the country. Patrick got his start in fisheries as an undergraduate intern with NOAA Fisheries Protected Resources Division in Sacramento, and in his first field job as a crew member of the California Department of Fish & Wildlife’s Wild and Heritage Trout Program.