CalTrout News

May 24, 2012

CalTrout Fundraising Gala Another Big Success

May 24, 2012
CalTrout’s 2012 Fundraising Gala was a big a success as we’d hoped; everyone had fun and the money raised will go a long ways toward supporting
May 24, 2012

CalTrout Making Waves on North Coast’s Eel River

May 24, 2012
California’s Eel River needs help. It’s suffering the effects of decades of habitat destruction (fish populations have yet to recover from the disastrous 1964 floods, which
May 23, 2012

CalTrout Member & Fly Fishing Guide Producing High-End McCloud Photography Book

May 23, 2012
NorCal Guide John Rickard “Crowdfunding” McCloud Photography Book Using Kickstarter Site Northern California fly fishing guide, CalTrout supporter and photographer John Rickard is using the “crowdfunding”
May 22, 2012

CalTrout Interviews (And Hires) Michael E. Wier

May 22, 2012
The CalTrout Interview: Michael E. Wier Mike Wier has joined CalTrout, and the well-known fly fishing videographer will put his considerable talents to work helping protect
May 21, 2012

Nicely Photographed Video About Yosemite’s Water

May 21, 2012
Yosemite is one of world’s most iconic parks; this beautifully photographed video details the importance of Yosemite’s water to the rest of the state.
May 21, 2012

Floating Robots Released Into California Waters (No, This Isn’t a Sci-Fi Post)

May 21, 2012
Small floating sensors — some of which are even self-propelled — are part of the Floating Sensor Project, which aims to collect data about California’s watersheds
May 18, 2012

CalTrout QuickCasts 2012-05-18

May 18, 2012
Some west coast dhinook salmon among fisheries deemed 'rebuilt' by NOAA: # Limited drinking water forcing California to make changes, official tells Thousand Oaks audience:
May 14, 2012

Hatchery Salmon Damaging Wild Fish Stocks By Outcompeting Them For Food

May 14, 2012
Hatchery salmon stocks have long been used to “mitigate” the damage to wild salmon stocks caused by habitat loss, dams, water quality issues and others. A
May 11, 2012

What’s Gone Wrong With Hat Creek?

May 11, 2012
Last Tuesday, a mob of biologists, hydrologists, CalTrout staff, CalTrout founders and others toured Hat Creek’s Carbon Bridge stretch, and with so much scientific brainpower and
May 11, 2012

CalTrout QuickCasts 2012-05-11

May 11, 2012
California ranches where cattle and wildlife coexist: # "Sustainable" Stanford? Yvon Chouinard weighs in, notes Searsville Dam damages watershed: @BeyndSearsville # Trout's ear bone
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