
May 13, 2020

Potter Valley Project Two-Basin Partnership Advances Solution for Scott Dam Removal

May 13, 2020
Today, California’s third-largest watershed is one step closer to providing headwaters to ocean access for endangered and threatened salmon and steelhead. California Trout along with Two-Basin
March 31, 2020

CalTrout Awarded additional ~$1M to Restore Estuaries

March 31, 2020
The California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW) announced earlier this month a new selection of multi-benefit ecosystem restoration and protection projects to receive funding under its Proposition
February 27, 2020

CalTrout Science Pop Quiz

February 27, 2020
February 7, 2020

CalTrout Awarded $4.9M to Pursue Reconnect Habitat and Protect the Best Projects

February 7, 2020
We are excited to announce that six CalTrout projects to Reconnect Habitat and Protect the Best are moving forward thanks to grant funding opportunities from the
January 20, 2020

Dr. Peter Moyle: 2020 Conservationist of the Year

January 20, 2020
Dr. Peter Moyle has been recognized as the 2020 Conservationist of the Year by the Western Rivers Conservancy for his lifetime of conservation work in California
January 9, 2020

Saving the Rainbows: Finding Shelter for Rescued Native Trout in Southern California

January 9, 2020
by Megan Nguyen and Sandra Jacobson. CalTrout is using spatial analysis in collaboration with the Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission and California Department of Fish and
December 19, 2019

Can Salmon Eat Their Way Out of Climate Change?

December 19, 2019
This article was originally published by UC Davis. Can Salmon Eat Their Way Out of Climate Change? Abundant Food Helps Offset Higher Temperatures for Fish. But
December 10, 2019

Field Notes: Eel River Forum

December 10, 2019
Field Note: Eel River Forum Climate Change II Meeting, November 6, 2019 by L. Raine Leblanc, Mary Burke & Darren Mierau, California Trout North Coast Region
November 22, 2019

2019 Annual Report is Out

November 22, 2019
California Trout is proud to share with you our 2019 Annual Report, highlighting the work your generous support has made possible. Throughout the report, you will
November 6, 2019

Trout Clout: Priorities for California’s Water

November 6, 2019
California Trout is pleased to share a recent report by our partners at the PPIC Water Policy Center on the Priorities for California’s Water. CalTrout is
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