Central Valley

January 26, 2016

Team effort helps to rescue Bypass salmon

January 26, 2016
From the Davis Enterprise, an article by Nina Erlich-Williams Despite four years of record drought, large numbers of salmon are coming back to the Sacramento Valley
December 29, 2015

Working hard to save Chinook

December 29, 2015
With winter-run Chinook facing the possibility of extinction sooner rather than later, it’s necessary to look at all stages of the salmon’s life cycle to ensure
December 15, 2015

Collaborative efforts needed to save Central Valley’s salmon

December 15, 2015
In Sunday’s Sacramento Bee, CalTrout’s Central California director, Jacob Katz, and Central Valley rice farmer, John Brennan, suggest that collaborative, innovative solutions are needed to solve
October 29, 2015

Will winter-run salmon go the way of the bull trout?

October 29, 2015
The drought is putting winter-run on the edge.  Unlike other Central Valley runs, their eggs incubate in early summer and hatch out during the hottest time
October 22, 2015

Knight’s Landing Project to Help Stranded Chinook

October 22, 2015
After several years of successfully demonstrating the multi-benefit use of floodplains with our Nigiri Project, which establishes salmon habitat on rice fields — benefiting agriculture, flood protection,
October 19, 2015

Sacramento Valley Salmon Recovery Program

October 19, 2015
CalTrout collaborates to maximize water use in drought After four hot, dry years, Central Valley salmon populations on the ropes. Winter run Chinook  salmon, the most
August 7, 2015

The Flip-Side of Fish Hatcheries

August 7, 2015
Are hatcheries, originally intended to preserve salmon, actually harming the species? Get some perspective in the latest issue of Comstock’s  that includes insight from CalTrout’s Central
April 3, 2015

Water Board Supports Searsville Dam Removal

April 3, 2015
In a letter to Stanford, the Water Board says it supports removal of Searsville Dam. “We have been, and continue to be, supportive of alternatives that
April 3, 2015

Water Board Supports Searsville Dam Removal

April 3, 2015
In a letter to Stanford, the Water Board says it supports removal of Searsville Dam. “We have been, and continue to be, supportive of alternatives that
March 5, 2015

Nigiri Project in the Spotlight as Salmon Head Out to Sea

March 5, 2015
CalTrout’s Nigiri Project is receiving a lot of press coverage this week as the project’s salmon, that have been feasting in the flooded rice fields for
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