North Coast

December 22, 2015

Conservation groups issue statement on Klamath Agreements

December 22, 2015
For Immediate Release December 21, 2015 Contact: Nina Erlich-Williams, 541-230-1973 C: 415-577-1153, Conservation groups remain committed to recovering salmon and steelhead in Klamath Basin despite
December 2, 2015

Eel River salmon still feeling effects of drought

December 2, 2015
Even though we’ve had a little rain, the effects of the lingering drought are still being severely felt by California’s fish. The Eureka Times-Standard story underscores
November 19, 2015

3rd Annual Humboldt Steelhead Days

November 19, 2015
The 3rd Annual Humboldt Steelhead Days will span three weekends and a total of sixteen days from January 22 – February 6, 2016. The event will help promote
November 19, 2015

Eternally Wild Official Selection of the 2016 Wild & Scenic Film Festival

November 19, 2015
CalTrout is thrilled to announce that the film, Eternally Wild, produced in partnership with Keith Brauneis Productions, has been chosen as an official selection for the
November 6, 2015

Klamath Agreements – It’s Time

November 6, 2015
It’s time.  Legislation needs to be passed.  The op-ed in today’s NY Times outlines the central issue here—local groups came together to solve a problem; congressional
September 25, 2015

Marijuana cultivation to face environmental regulation

September 25, 2015
For Immediate Release September 12, 2015 Contact Nina Erlich-Williams, 510-336-9566 C: 415-577-1153, Marijuana cultivation to face environmental regulation thanks to AB 243 New law aims
September 21, 2015

Klamath Basin Agreements Town Hall Meetings

September 21, 2015
California Trout has been a long-time supporter of the Klamath Basin Agreements, which would dramatically improve long-term prospects for salmon and steelhead in the Klamath Basin.
August 5, 2015

State’s precious water supply takes hit from marijuana

August 5, 2015
Last week the San Francisco Chronicle ran an op-ed written by CalTrout Executive Director, Curtis Knight, along with California representatives of Trout Unlimited and The Nature
July 23, 2015

Protect Smith River From Strip Mining – Support Proposed Mining Closure

July 23, 2015
Mining companies plan to excavate a series of nickel strip mines in the pristine tributaries of the Wild and Scenic Smith River and other rivers in the
July 6, 2015

BLM Applies for Temporary Ban on Mining Projects in SW Oregon Watershed – Smith River

July 6, 2015
The Bureau of Land Management has applied for a temporary ban on new mining projects. As Oregon Senator Merkley states, “The action by the BLM gets
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