klamath river restoration

February 7, 2012

A River At A Crossroads: The Case For Klamath Dam Removal

February 7, 2012
The Klamath River’s salmon and steelhead fisheries have been in steady decline for decades, and CalTrout strongly believes removing the four lower Klamath River dams remains
January 31, 2012

The SF Chronicle On Klamath River Dam Removal: “This is one water war that should be called off.”

January 31, 2012
The Klamath River dams should come out. That’s the conclusion of the best, peer-reviewed science available. Removal will help restore the Klamath’s once-abundant salmon and steelhead
December 1, 2011

More on Klamath Dam Removal From The Los Angeles Times

December 1, 2011
California’s largest newspapers continue to favor the Klamath Basin Restoration Agreement (KBRA); this time the LA Times cites the benefits of removal of the four lowest
October 19, 2011

Help recover the Klamath River’s fabled steelhead and salmon runs

October 19, 2011
In thirty seconds, tell your elected officials you want the Klamath River restored The fight to remove the four aging dams that have throttled the Klamath
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