North Coast

February 20, 2024

Indigenous-themed Interpretive Signage Installed at Baduwa’t Estuary Restoration Project

February 20, 2024
CalTrout, the Wiyot Tribe, partners, and local artists collaborated to design and install interpretive signage at the site of a recently completed restoration and public access project at Baduwa’t estuary.
November 30, 2023

Action Alert: Tell PG&E To Urgently Remove Eel River Dams

November 30, 2023
PG&E released the initial draft of its plan to remove two dams on the Eel River, and we need your help to ask PG&E to urgently remove both dams by submitting a unique comment by December 22, 2023.
November 29, 2023

Juvenile Coho Salmon Observed Above Former Dam Site on Cedar Creek, Tributary to South Fork Eel River

November 29, 2023
In 2022, CalTrout and our partners removed a dam on Cedar Creek, increasing access to approximately nine miles of high-quality habitat previously inaccessible to juvenile salmon and steelhead. Recently, we observed juvenile coho salmon above the former dam site!
November 17, 2023

PG&E Confirms Plan to Begin Full Removal of Eel River Dams

November 17, 2023
Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E) released the initial draft of its plan to remove two dams on the Eel River which calls for the complete and expeditious removal of most of the Potter Valley Project facilities. Dam removal will make the Eel California’s longest free-flowing river and would reconnect salmon and steelhead with almost 300 miles of cold-water habitat.
October 18, 2023

Patagonia’s Holdfast Collective Awards $1 Million for CalTrout Dam Removal Efforts

October 18, 2023
In September 2023, Patagonia’s Holdfast Collective awarded California Trout $1 million over three years to support work to remove dams on the Eel River, Battle Creek, and San Francisquito Creek. This includes PG&E’s Potter Valley Project dams, PG&E’s Battle Creek Hydroelectric Project dams, and Searsville Dam on Stanford University campus.
October 4, 2023

Ashley Shannon

October 4, 2023
Ashley received her B.S from Humboldt State University in Environmental Science & Management with a concentration in Ecological Restoration in 2021. She grew up in sunny
September 28, 2023

Sonar Technology Provides More Accurate Counts of Eel River Salmonids

September 28, 2023
The numbers are in on salmonids for the 2022-2023 season in the South Fork Eel River! This river is a salmon and steelhead stronghold and represents one of the best opportunities to restore wild fish abundance. To inform our conservation work, CalTrout and our partners use sonar technology to more accurately estimate how many fish are in the system.
August 30, 2023

Restoration Amidst the Redwoods Provides Hope for Eel River Salmonids 

August 30, 2023
The Bull Creek watershed has incredible potential to support endangered salmonids – but the conditions in the creek are not yet quite right. Soon, completion of a restoration project on the Hamilton Reach of Bull Creek will change this giving existing South Fork Eel River watershed coho populations the chance to migrate through.
August 8, 2023

Dam Removal on the Eel is Closer Than Ever

August 8, 2023
County water agencies and a tribal government announced a last-minute conceptual plan for how a trans-basin water diversion from the Eel River to the Russian River watershed might be continued after the Pacific Gas & Electric Company removes two century-old dams on the upper Eel River.
June 23, 2023

Minking through the South Fork Eel River

June 23, 2023
Last week, as part of our North Coast Science & Monitoring Program, a field crew of six fisheries scientists explored the South Fork Eel River. What did they find?
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