Southern Steelhead Coalition

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Southern Steelhead Coalition

Home | Key Initiatives | Integrate Wild Fish & Working Landscapes | Southern Steelhead Coalition

Project Goal:

The Coalition’s goal is to increase the pace, scale, and scope of watershed restoration projects leading to resilient Southern steelhead populations in high priority rivers of Southern California

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Project Stages


Estimated Completion Date:


Project Funders

California Department of Fish and Wildlife – Fisheries Restoration Grant Program

Fish Affected:

Project Description

What is the Southern Steelhead Coalition?

The Southern Steelhead Coalition, formally the Santa Clara River Steelhead Coalition (Coalition), focuses on advancing comprehensive watershed restoration in the Santa Ynez & Santa Clara River Basin to drive Southern California steelhead recovery. Specifically, we work to target high priority projects, and improve the timeliness and cost-effectiveness of recovery in the Santa Clara River, Ventura, and Santa Ynez watershed. It serves as a vehicle for coordination among agency programs and private sector activities across jurisdictions to achieve these goals. The Coalition is also exploring opportunities to secure and provide funding for steelhead restoration projects, implement community-supported multi-species, multi-benefit restoration projects, advocate for resource conservation, and engage the public. By combining the experience and knowledge from a broad spectrum of fish passage improvement, biodiversity, and water conservation proponents and projects, Coalition members are able to work more efficiently and in a highly coordinated fashion to identify and remedy technical and procedural obstacles as they arise.

Why the Southern Steelhead?

The Southern California steelhead is an iconic species on the South Coast of California. Southern steelhead are culturally important and serve as an indicator species to gauge the broader health of the entire watershed. Southern steelhead have an irreplaceable impact on Southern California watersheds and communities, but they are experiencing an alarming rate of population decline due habitat loss from human development.

The total loss of this species will have irreversible consequences. The Southern Steelhead Coalition is committed to the conservation of this amazing species by pursuing landscape level watershed restoration projects that support all native species and also benefit the greater community. The State of the Salmonids: Status of California’s Emblematic Fishes (Moyle et al. 2017) determined that Southern steelhead are of “Critical Concern,” with the population in danger of extinction with the next 25–50 years due to anthropogenic and environmental conditions.

What does the Coalition do?

Coalition members are currently leading priority barrier removal projects, floodplain, and riparian habitat restoration and headwater conservation. We are continually working with local, state, and federal partners to help prioritize and amplify the positive benefits by building capacity within the restoration community. Most importantly, we engage the people impacted by resource management decisions directly, working to advance our understanding that Southern steelhead are the best indicators of total watershed health. The Santa Clara River, Ventura, and Santa Ynez watersheds essential to our community, as it provides drinking water, jobs, and recreational benefits.

Project Partners:

The Nature Conservancy Friends of the Santa Clara River The Wishtoyo Santa Clara River Conservancy University of California Santa Barbara RIVRLab

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