Native Rainbow Trout Refugia Mapping

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Project Goal:

To prepare a list of ground-truthed refugia habitat locations for trout relocated after wildfire and during large So Cal fish passage projects.

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Project Stages


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Fish Affected:


Project Description

This project will perform a GIS-based analysis and prioritize Southern California streams as translocation sites for rescued native rainbow trout. The FishPass GIS framework will be used to create a new layer that includes So Cal rainbow trout current and historical occupancy data, genetic lineage, and habitat characteristics. From this, translocation-ready sites will be prioritized as refugia for rescued trout in collaboration with CDFW regional fisheries scientists, and ten sites ground-truthed for site visits and data collection.

Project Partners:

Riverside-Corona Resource Conservation District
California Department of Fish and Wildlife
U.S. Forest Service
Southwest Resource Management Association
Southern California Edison