Baduwa’t Estuary Restoration

Baduwa’t Estuary Restoration

Home | Key Initiatives | Restore Estuaries | Baduwa’t Estuary Restoration

Project Goal:

Restore key salmonid off-channel rearing habitat and provide public access enhancements. Construct winter rearing coho habitat including an off-channel wetland and pond complex; and offer river access, overlooks, and an ADA accessible interpretive trail.

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Project Funders

State Coastal Conservancy (SCC)
NOAA Restoration Center

Fish Affected:

Project Description

The Baduwa't (today known as the Mad River) estuary historically had access to a broad floodplain which provided critical rearing habitat for juvenile fish and off-channel refugia. Upstream impacts from land management and infrastructure development have led to sediment and temperature impairments. Lower in the river, levees to protect infrastructure and agricultural properties create a linear system that disconnects the river from its floodplain and simplifies the estuary. Partnered with the landowner McKinleyville Community Services District, we reconnected the lower Baduwa't to more than four acres of floodplain to improve key salmonid habitat. In addition, the project enhanced public access for the enjoyment of this coastal resource. The project was implemented in late summer of 2022.

The 9.3-acre project is located on property owned by the McKinleyville Community Services District (MCSD), a public agency who oversees water, wastewater, streetlights, library, recreation, and open space within the community of McKinleyville. The project area encompasses bluff and floodplain topographic features and is within MCSD’s permitted wastewater facility, which includes 4.3 acres of constructed percolation ponds alongside the river. The habitat restoration project area focal point was a pair of constructed percolation ponds for treated wastewater disposal that were leveed from the river’s floods and ringed with cyclone fencing to prohibit public access. These percolation ponds were decommissioned and restored to riparian floodplain habitat. Within the restored floodplain a network of backwater ponds, wetlands, and channels were provided that perennially connect to the Baduwa't and provide crucial off-channel winter rearing habitat for juvenile coho salmon.

The public access project directly benefits the residents of McKinleyville, the region, and visitors to the region by providing an informational kiosk, interpretative signage, and universal access for a wide range of users such as casual walkers, hikers, birdwatchers, anglers, and cyclists. The project also provides a lightly developed river access. The trail connects to School Road Trail and to the popular regional Hammond Trail - a part of the California Coastal Trail - that is used by local residents, Coastal Trail hikers, and touring cyclists.

Project Partners:

Wiyot Tribe
Northern Hydrology and Engineering
SHN Engineers & Geologists
Chris Turner
Redwood Coast Action Agency
McBain Associates
Trinity Associates

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