Upper Sacramento Basin Source Waters Science Study

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Upper Sacramento Basin Source Waters Science Study

Home | Key Initiatives | Steward Source Water Areas | Upper Sacramento Basin Source Waters Science Study

Project Goal:

Provide a scientifically based toolset to better understand, manage, and advance the protection of the cold, clean spring waters in the Upper Sacramento Basin.

Learn More

Project Stages


Conceptual Design


Resource Collection

Impact Study

Relationship Building



Estimated Completion Date:

Project Funders

California Department of Fish and Wildlife

Bob Oliver

Fish Affected:

Project Description

The spring waters that emerge from the volcanic rocks of northern California’s Cascade Range are of critical importance to water security for both fish and people, yet relatively little is known about them and how they have been affected by recent drought and other climate change impacts. In 2023, CalTrout and our partners embarked on a three-year study to provide a scientifically based toolset to better understand, manage, and advance the protection of the cold, clean spring waters in the Upper Sacramento Basin.

Building on our past efforts to assess baseline conditions of springs in the Mount Shasta region, this study will define and quantify source areas and flows, assess ecosystem sensitivity to climate change, and determine how these systems support the diverse life history of wild cold-water fish. Study locations include the spring-fed streams above Shasta Reservoir: the McCloud, Upper Sacramento, Rising, and Fall rivers, Hat Creek, and Burney Creek, which feeds the iconic Burney Falls.

We have teamed up with organizations and universities with a wide range of expertise to get this work done. This study will help inform future policy and management to further protect these vital springs in an increasingly variable climate.

Project Partners:

California Department of Fish and Wildlife

CSU East Bay

UC Davis

Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory

Friends of the Mount Shasta Avalanche Center

Stanford University’s Bill Lane Center for the American West

The Nature Conservancy

Mount Shasta Recreation and Parks 

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